13 Feb 2017
 | 13 Feb 2017
Status: this preprint was under review for the journal NHESS but the revision was not accepted.

A GIS-based monitoring and early warning system for cover-collapse sinkholes in karst terrane in Wuhan, China

Li Xueping, Xiao Shangde, Tang Huiming, and Peng Jinsheng

Abstract. To reduce disastrous losses caused by karst collapse especially in urban areas, it is important to establish an early warning system utilizing monitoring data. Three major aspects have been monitored based upon engineering geological conditions and characteristics of karst collapse processes in Wuhan, China: changes in surface soil, soil deformation, and groundwater levels. Measurements have been recorded of: (1) soil pressure, (2) ground-penetrating radar images, (3) underground water levels, (4) ground water levels, (5) rainfall, (6) cracking, (7) ground deformation, and (8) water level in monitored wells. This paper has selected geological radar cross-sectional data and underground water level monitoring data to obtain criteria for hydraulic gradient warning, geological radar warning and plastic zone warning based upon these monitoring data and wider knowledge of karst collapse in Wuhan. A comprehensive warning system has been developed on a MAPGIS platform, employing monitoring data in Microsoft Excel format and Microsoft Visual C++ development tools. Three warning levels are adopted by the system: safe, becoming dangerous, and dangerous; indicated in green, yellow and red respectively on hazard maps. The system automatically undertakes processes of data management and model calculation leading to geo-hazard warning map generation. Using monitoring data collected in the first six months of 2011 at Wuhan, the system has established a hydraulic gradient model, plastic zone warning model, geological radar warning model, and a comprehensive early warning model; and has been shown to be an effective method of providing karst collapse warning.

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Li Xueping, Xiao Shangde, Tang Huiming, and Peng Jinsheng
Status: closed
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AC: Author comment | RC: Referee comment | SC: Short comment | EC: Editor comment
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Status: closed
Status: closed
AC: Author comment | RC: Referee comment | SC: Short comment | EC: Editor comment
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Li Xueping, Xiao Shangde, Tang Huiming, and Peng Jinsheng
Li Xueping, Xiao Shangde, Tang Huiming, and Peng Jinsheng


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Short summary
A GIS-based monitoring and early warning system for cover-collapse sinkholes in karst terrane in Wuhan, China has been established so as to reduce disastrous losses caused by karst collapse. Three types warning criteria for cover-collapse sinkholes has been established in the system. Three levels have been used to classify the warning grade. Level I refers to the stat safe; level II refers becoming dangerous; and level III refers dangerous.