Articles | Volume 24, issue 12
Research article
17 Dec 2024
Research article |  | 17 Dec 2024

Between global risk reduction goals, scientific–technical capabilities and local realities: a modular approach for user-centric multi-risk assessment

Elisabeth Schoepfer, Jörn Lauterjung, Torsten Riedlinger, Harald Spahn, Juan Camilo Gómez Zapata, Christian D. León, Hugo Rosero-Velásquez, Sven Harig, Michael Langbein, Nils Brinckmann, Günter Strunz, Christian Geiß, and Hannes Taubenböck

Data sets

Seismic ground motion fields for six deterministic earthquake scenarios (Mw 8.5-9.0) for Lima (Peru) J. C. Gómez Zapata et al.

Customised focus maps and resultant CVT-based aggregation entities for Lima and Callao (Peru), V. 1.0 J. C. Gómez Zapata et al.

Residential building exposure and physical vulnerability models for ground-shaking and tsunami risk in Lima and Callao (Peru), V. 1.0 J. C. Gómez Zapata et al.

Probabilistic inter-scheme compatibility matrices for buildings. An application using existing vulnerability models for earthquakes and tsunami from synthetic datasets constructed using the AeDEs form through expert-based heuristics J. C. Gómez Zapata and M. Pittore

Creation of simplified state-dependent fragility functions through ad-hoc scaling factors to account for previous damage in a multi-hazard risk context. An application to flow-depth-based analytical tsunami fragility functions for the Pacific coast of South America J. C. Gómez Zapata et al.

Tsunami flow depth in Lima/Callao (Peru) caused by six hypothetical simplified tsunami scenarios offshore Lima S. Harig and N. Rakowsky

Tsunami flow depth in Lima/Callao caused by a historic event for varying bottom roughness simulated with the models Tsunami-HySEA and TsunAWI S. Harig et al.

Shakyground: a web service to serve GMPE-based ground motion fields. V. 1.0 G. Weatherill et al.

Graph-based model for reliability analysis of infrastructure networks (1.0), mediaTUM H. Rosero-Velásquez

Model code and software

riesgos/dlr-riesgos-frontend: 2.0.6-peru M. Langbein et al.

DEUS: Damage-Exposure-Update-Service. V. 1.0 N. Brinckmann et al.

Quakeledger: a web service to serve earthquake scenarios. V. 1.0 M. Pittore et al.

Assetmaster and Modelprop: web services to serve building exposure models and fragility functions for physical vulnerability to natural-hazards. V. 1.0 M. Pittore et al.

Short summary
In this paper, we provide a brief introduction of the paradigm shift from managing disasters to managing risks, followed by single-hazard to multi-risk assessment. We highlight four global strategies that address disaster risk reduction and call for action. Subsequently, we present a conceptual approach for multi-risk assessment which was designed to serve potential users like disaster risk managers, urban planners or operators of critical infrastructure to increase their capabilities.
Final-revised paper