Articles | Volume 24, issue 5
Research article
30 May 2024
Research article |  | 30 May 2024

Multisectoral analysis of drought impacts and management responses to the 2008–2015 record drought in the Colorado Basin, Texas

Stephen B. Ferencz, Ning Sun, Sean W. D. Turner, Brian A. Smith, and Jennie S. Rice

Data sets

IMMM-SFA/ferencz_et_al_2024_NHESS: Ferencz_et_al_2024_NHESS_plotting_and_analysis_FINAL (Version V2) S. Ferencz

Short summary
Drought has long posed an existential threat to society. Population growth, economic development, and the potential for more extreme and prolonged droughts due to climate change pose significant water security challenges. Better understanding the impacts and adaptive responses resulting from extreme drought can aid adaptive planning. The 2008–2015 record drought in the Colorado Basin, Texas, United States, is used as a case study to assess impacts and responses to severe drought.
Final-revised paper