Articles | Volume 24, issue 5
Research article
14 May 2024
Research article |  | 14 May 2024

Nonlinear processes in tsunami simulations for the Peruvian coast with focus on Lima and Callao

Alexey Androsov, Sven Harig, Natalia Zamora, Kim Knauer, and Natalja Rakowsky

Data sets

Tsunami flow depth in Lima/Callao caused by a historic event for varying bottom roughness simulated with the models Tsunami-HySEA and TsunAWI Sven Harig et al.

Short summary
Two numerical codes are used in a comparative analysis of the calculation of the tsunami wave due to an earthquake along the Peruvian coast. The comparison primarily evaluates the flow velocity fields in flooded areas. The relative importance of the various parts of the equations is determined, focusing on the nonlinear terms. The influence of the nonlinearity on the degree and volume of flooding, flow velocity, and small-scale fluctuations is determined.
Final-revised paper