Articles | Volume 23, issue 9
Research article
27 Sep 2023
Research article |  | 27 Sep 2023

Modelling extreme water levels using intertidal topography and bathymetry derived from multispectral satellite images

Wagner L. L. Costa, Karin R. Bryan, and Giovanni Coco

Model code and software

Intertidal zones satellite derived topography W. L. L. Costa

Short summary
For predicting flooding events at the coast, topo-bathymetric data are essential. However, elevation data can be unavailable. To tackle this issue, recent efforts have centred on the use of satellite-derived topography (SDT) and bathymetry (SDB). This work is aimed at evaluating their accuracy and use for flooding prediction in enclosed estuaries. Results show that the use of SDT and SDB in numerical modelling can produce similar predictions when compared to the surveyed elevation data.
Final-revised paper