Articles | Volume 23, issue 7
Research article
31 Jul 2023
Research article |  | 31 Jul 2023

Towards improving the spatial testability of aftershock forecast models

Asim M. Khawaja, Behnam Maleki Asayesh, Sebastian Hainzl, and Danijel Schorlemmer

Model code and software

Reproducibility package for the publication titled "Towards improving the spatial testability of aftershock forecast models" (Version 01) A. Khawaja, B. Maleki Asayesh, S. Hainzl, and D. Schorlemmer

Short summary
Testing of earthquake forecasts is important for model verification. Forecasts are usually spatially discretized with many equal-sized grid cells, but often few earthquakes are available for evaluation, leading to meaningless tests. Here, we propose solutions to improve the testability of earthquake forecasts and give a minimum ratio between the number of earthquakes and spatial cells for significant tests. We show applications of the proposed technique for synthetic and real case studies.
Final-revised paper