Articles | Volume 23, issue 7
Research article
14 Jul 2023
Research article |  | 14 Jul 2023

A neural network model for automated prediction of avalanche danger level

Vipasana Sharma, Sushil Kumar, and Rama Sushil

Data sets

Weather, snowpack and danger ratings data for automated avalanche danger level predictions C. Pérez-Guillén, F. Techel, M. Hendrick, M. Volpi, A. van Herwijnen, T. Olevski, G. Obozinski, F. Pérez-Cruz, and J. Schweizer

Model code and software

vipasanasharma/Automated-Prediction-of-Avalanches: First V. Sharma

Short summary
Snow avalanches are a natural hazard that can cause danger to human lives. This threat can be reduced by accurate prediction of the danger levels. The development of mathematical models based on past data and present conditions can help to improve the accuracy of prediction. This research aims to develop a neural-network-based model for correlating complex relationships between the meteorological variables and the profile variables.
Final-revised paper