Articles | Volume 23, issue 6
Research article
28 Jun 2023
Research article |  | 28 Jun 2023

Accounting for the effect of forest and fragmentation in probabilistic rockfall hazard

Camilla Lanfranconi, Paolo Frattini, Gianluca Sala, Giuseppe Dattola, Davide Bertolo, Juanjuan Sun, and Giovanni Battista Crosta

Data sets

Modello Digitale del Terreno Geoportale Regione Valle d'Aosta

Short summary
This paper presents a study on rockfall dynamics and hazard, examining the impact of the presence of trees along slope and block fragmentation. We compared rockfall simulations that explicitly model the presence of trees and fragmentation with a classical approach that accounts for these phenomena in model parameters (both the hazard and the kinetic energy change). We also used a non-parametric probabilistic rockfall hazard analysis method for hazard mapping.
Final-revised paper