Articles | Volume 23, issue 6
Research article
20 Jun 2023
Research article |  | 20 Jun 2023

Scenario-based multi-risk assessment from existing single-hazard vulnerability models. An application to consecutive earthquakes and tsunamis in Lima, Peru

Juan Camilo Gómez Zapata, Massimiliano Pittore, Nils Brinckmann, Juan Lizarazo-Marriaga, Sergio Medina, Nicola Tarque, and Fabrice Cotton

Data sets

Customised focus maps and resultant CVT-based aggregation entities for Lima and Callao (Peru) Juan Camilo Gomez Zapata, Raquel Zafrir, Sven Harig, and Massimiliano Pittore

Residential building exposure and physical vulnerability models for ground-shaking and tsunami risk in Lima and Callao (Peru) Juan Camilo Gomez-Zapata, Raquel Zafrir, Nils Brinckmann, and Massimiliano Pittore

Seismic ground motion fields for six deterministic earthquake scenarios (Mw 8.5-9.0) for Lima (Peru) Juan Camilo Gomez-Zapata, Fabrice Cotton, and Nils Brinckmann

Spatial representation of direct loss estimates on the residential building stock of Lima (Peru) from decoupled earthquake and tsunami scenarios on variable resolutions exposure models Juan Camilo Gomez-Zapata, Nils Brinckmann, Massimiliano Pittore, and Fabrice Cotton

Tsunami flow depth in Lima/Callao (Peru) caused by six hypothetical simplified tsunami scenarios offshore Lima Sven Harig and Natalja Rakowsky

OpenQuake Engine: An Open Hazard (and Risk) Software for the Global Earthquake Model M. Pagani, D. Monelli, G. Weatherill, L. Danciu, H. Crowley, V. Silva, P. Henshaw, L. Butler, M. Nastasi, L. Panzeri, M. Simionato, and D. Vigano

Assetmaster and Modelprop: web services to serve building exposure models and fragility functions for physical vulnerability to natural-hazards Massimiliano Pittore, Juan Camilo Gomez-Zapata, Nils Brinckmann, and Matthias Rüster

Shakyground: a web service to serve GMPE-based ground motion fields Graeme Weatherill, Massimiliano Pittore, Michael Haas, Nils Brinckmann, Matthias Rüster, and Juan Camilo Gomez-Zapata,

Model code and software

DEUS: Damage-Exposure-Update-Service Nils Brinckmann, Juan Camilo Gomez-Zapata, Massimiliano Pittore, and Matthias Rüster

Short summary
To investigate cumulative damage on extended building portfolios, we propose an alternative and modular method to probabilistically integrate sets of single-hazard vulnerability models that are being constantly developed by experts from various research fields to be used within a multi-risk context. We demonstrate its application by assessing the economic losses expected for the residential building stock of Lima, Peru, a megacity commonly exposed to consecutive earthquake and tsunami scenarios.
Final-revised paper