Articles | Volume 23, issue 5
Research article
12 May 2023
Research article |  | 12 May 2023

Statistical modeling of sediment supply in torrent catchments of the northern French Alps

Maxime Morel, Guillaume Piton, Damien Kuss, Guillaume Evin, and Caroline Le Bouteiller

Data sets

Projet HYDRODEMO: Évaluation de l'aléa torrentiel dans les petits bassins versants des Alpes du Nord Dataverse Guillaume Piton and Maxime Morel

Short summary
In mountain catchments, damage during floods is generally primarily driven by the supply of a massive amount of sediment. Predicting how much sediment can be delivered by frequent and infrequent events is thus important in hazard studies. This paper uses data gathered during the maintenance operation of about 100 debris retention basins to build simple equations aiming at predicting sediment supply from simple parameters describing the upstream catchment.
Final-revised paper