Articles | Volume 20, issue 3
Research article
23 Mar 2020
Research article |  | 23 Mar 2020

Ensemble flood simulation for a small dam catchment in Japan using nonhydrostatic model rainfalls – Part 2: Flood forecasting using 1600-member 4D-EnVar-predicted rainfalls

Kenichiro Kobayashi, Le Duc, Apip, Tsutao Oizumi, and Kazuo Saito


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Short summary
The feasibility of flood forecasting with 1600 rainfall forecasts was investigated. The rainfall forecasts were obtained from an advanced data assimilation system. The high probability of flood occurrence was predicted, which is not possible by the single deterministic forecast. The necessity of emergency flood operation was shown with a long leading time. This suggests that it is worth investing in increasing numbers of meteorological ensembles to improve flood forecasting.
Final-revised paper