Articles | Volume 20, issue 12
Research article
17 Dec 2020
Research article |  | 17 Dec 2020

The potential of Smartstone probes in landslide experiments: how to read motion data

J. Bastian Dost, Oliver Gronz, Markus C. Casper, and Andreas Krein

Data sets

Smartstone probe data of a landslide experiment J. B. Dost, O. Gronz, M. C. Casper, and A. Krein

Gait tracking with x-IMU x-io Technologies

Video supplement

The Potential of Smartstone Probes in Landslide Experiments J. B. Dost, O. Gronz, M. C. Casper, and A. Krein

Short summary
We show the potential to observe the unconfined internal-motion behaviour of single clasts in landslides using a wireless sensor measuring acceleration and rotation. The probe's dimensions are 10 mm × 55 mm. It measures up to 16 g and 2000° s−1 with a 100 Hz sampling rate. From the data, we derive transport mode, velocity, displacement and 3D trajectories of several probes. Results are verified by high-speed image analysis and laser distance measurements.
Final-revised paper