Research article
10 Nov 2020
Research article |

10 Nov 2020
La Palma landslide tsunami: calibrated wave source and assessment of impact on French territories
Stéphane Abadie, Alexandre Paris, Riadh Ata, Sylvestre Le Roy, Gael Arnaud, Adrien Poupardin, Lucie Clous, Philippe Heinrich, Jeffrey Harris, Rodrigo Pedreros, and Yann Krien
Data sets
La Palma landslide tsunami: computation of the tsunami source with a calibrated multi-fluid Navier-Stokes model and wave impact assessment with propagation models of different types
S. Abadie, A. Paris, R. Ata, S. L. Roy, G. Arnaud, A. Poupardin, L. Clous, P. Heinrich, J. Harris, R. Pederos, and Y. Krien