Articles | Volume 18, issue 12
Research article
30 Nov 2018
Research article |  | 30 Nov 2018

Roads and landslides in Nepal: how development affects environmental risk

Brian G. McAdoo, Michelle Quak, Kaushal R. Gnyawali, Basanta R. Adhikari, Sanjaya Devkota, Purna Lal Rajbhandari, and Karen Sudmeier-Rieux


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Discussed (final revised paper)

Latest update: 25 Dec 2024
Short summary
Road development in Nepal promises to improve access to markets, education and healthcare, but not without hazardous consequences. Using GIS maps of monsoon-triggered landslides, we show that rural roads are responsible for doubling the number of landslides in one mountainous district. Engineers are seeking sustainable and affordable eco-solutions to help stabilize these roads in order to prevent further loss of life and property as Nepal approaches this next phase in its development.
Final-revised paper