Articles | Volume 17, issue 4
Research article
24 Apr 2017
Research article |  | 24 Apr 2017

Disaster risk reduction education in Indonesia: challenges and recommendations for scaling up

Avianto Amri, Deanne K. Bird, Kevin Ronan, Katharine Haynes, and Briony Towers

Abstract. This article investigates the implementation of disaster risk reduction education for children in Indonesia. In the last decade, education programmes related to this subject have been promoted as capable of reducing disaster losses and increasing resilience, based on several studies that have identified positive outcomes. Therefore, it is critical to evaluate and address any potential challenges that might impede their success. The article uses a case study in Jakarta, a rapidly growing megacity that is highly prone to disasters and natural hazards, especially floods and fires, to explore the scaling up and sustainability of disaster risk reduction in Indonesian schools. Based on previous studies, a new approach was developed for evaluating the implementation of education programmes related to these subjects. This study captured the perspectives of children, school personnel, and non-governmental organisations on the challenges of scaling up the implementation of disaster risk reduction education in schools. The study revealed seven key issues and suggests several policy recommendations to move forward. These key issues may also be apparent in many other developing and developed countries, and the suggested recommendations may well be applicable beyond Indonesia.

Short summary
This paper covers a recent research of education for children in the field of disaster risk reduction, particularly on floods and urban fires, a significant environmental problem in Indonesia and in many other parts of the world. Views were captured from children, teachers and non-government organisations generating recommendations to inform future policy decisions, particularly to scale up disaster risk reduction education in schools in Indonesia and may well be applicable beyond Indonesia.
Final-revised paper