Articles | Volume 16, issue 4
Brief communication
19 Apr 2016
Brief communication |  | 19 Apr 2016

Brief communication: On direct impact probability of landslides on vehicles

Pierrick Nicolet, Michel Jaboyedoff, Catherine Cloutier, Giovanni B. Crosta, and Sébastien Lévy

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Using street view imagery for 3-D survey of rock slope failures
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Cited articles

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Short summary
When calculating the risk of railway or road users being killed by a natural hazard, one has to calculate a temporal spatial probability, i.e. the probability of a vehicle being in the path of the falling mass when the mass falls, or the expected number of hit vehicles in the case of an event. This paper discusses different methods used to calculate this probability, in particular regarding the consideration of the dimensions of the falling mass and of the vehicles.
Final-revised paper