Articles | Volume 16, issue 12
Research article
21 Dec 2016
Research article |  | 21 Dec 2016

Flood damage: a model for consistent, complete and multipurpose scenarios

Scira Menoni, Daniela Molinari, Francesco Ballio, Guido Minucci, Ouejdane Mejri, Funda Atun, Nicola Berni, and Claudia Pandolfo

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Short summary
This paper presents a model to develop multipurpose complete event scenarios, which address all the needs that arise after a disaster. In detail, such scenarios (i) are multisectoral, (ii) address the spatial scales relevant for the event at stake, (iii) consider the temporal evolution of damage and (iv) allow damage mechanisms to be understood. The model allows flood mitigation strategies to be optimized, as proved by its use in a case study.
Final-revised paper