Articles | Volume 16, issue 12
Research article
29 Nov 2016
Research article |  | 29 Nov 2016

Development of fragility curves for railway embankment and ballast scour due to overtopping flood flow

Ryota Tsubaki, Jeremy David Bricker, Koji Ichii, and Yoshihisa Kawahara

Data sets

Analysis of geomorphic and hydraulic conditions causing railway embankment breach due to inundation flow R. Tsubaki, Y. Kawahara, T. Sayama, and I. Fujita

Inundation flow in moutanious village in Asa River basin during 2010 July torrential rainfall event R. Tsubaki, K. Asai, A. Nakamura, K. Tomura, Y. Kawahara, and H. Nagano

Short summary
Railways in floodplains and coastal areas are frequently damaged by floods. Railway systems suffering scour damage face interruption of operation for weeks. This substantially limits the socioeconomic activities that rely on the transport service provided by the railway. This paper proposes new fragility curves for railway embankment and ballast scour. This contributes to expand our ability to estimate risk of flood hazard on our society more holistic than ever.
Final-revised paper