Articles | Volume 16, issue 8
Research article
01 Aug 2016
Research article |  | 01 Aug 2016

Partial reactivation of a huge deep-seated ancient rock slide: recognition, formation mechanism, and stability

Minggao Tang, Qiang Xu, Yusheng Li, Runqiu Huang, Niek Rengers, and Xing Zhu


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Short summary
An important argument for the conclusion is the recognition of a regional compressive tectonic stress field in this area, which cannot lead to the formation of a fault graben, which needs a tensional tectonic stress field. Moreover, numerous unique geological features, sliding marks, and other relics of the ancient slide have been discovered in the field. A centrifuge model test shows that a deformation and failure process of "creep–crack–cut" and a type of "successive rotational rock slide" have occurred.
Final-revised paper