Articles | Volume 15, issue 12
Research article
10 Dec 2015
Research article |  | 10 Dec 2015

Evaluation of a compound distribution based on weather pattern subsampling for extreme rainfall in Norway

J. Blanchet, J. Touati, D. Lawrence, F. Garavaglia, and E. Paquet

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Cited articles

Brigode, P., Bernardara, P., Paquet, E., Gailhard, J., Garavaglia, F., Merz, R., Mićović, Z., Lawrence, D., and Ribstein, P.: Sensitivity analysis of SCHADEX extreme flood estimations to observed hydrometeorological variability, Water Resour. Res., 50, 353–370,, 2014.
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Short summary
Simulation methods for design flood analyses require estimates of extreme precipitation for simulating maximum discharges. This article evaluates the MEWP model for extreme precipitation, a compound model based on weather-pattern classification, seasonal splitting and exponential distributions, for its suitability for use in Norway. It shows the clear benefit obtained from seasonal and weather-pattern-based subsampling for extreme value estimation.
Final-revised paper