Articles | Volume 7, issue 1
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© Author(s) 2007. This work is licensed under
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3-D HOS simulations of extreme waves in open seas
G. Ducrozet
Laboratoire de Mécanique des Fluides, Centrale Nantes, 1 rue de la Noë, 44300 Nantes, France
F. Bonnefoy
Laboratoire de Mécanique des Fluides, Centrale Nantes, 1 rue de la Noë, 44300 Nantes, France
D. Le Touzé
Laboratoire de Mécanique des Fluides, Centrale Nantes, 1 rue de la Noë, 44300 Nantes, France
P. Ferrant
Laboratoire de Mécanique des Fluides, Centrale Nantes, 1 rue de la Noë, 44300 Nantes, France
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75 citations as recorded by crossref.
- Numerical study on the quantitative error of the Korteweg–de Vries equation for modelling random waves on large scale in shallow water J. Wang et al. 10.1016/j.euromechflu.2018.04.004
- Effect of initial condition uncertainty on the profile of maximum wave H. Zhang et al. 10.1016/j.marstruc.2021.103127
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- Numerical simulations of collinear finite amplitude steady-state resonant waves in deep water Z. Yan et al. 10.1016/j.oceaneng.2020.107703
- Time-reversal of nonlinear waves: Applicability and limitations G. Ducrozet et al. 10.1103/PhysRevFluids.1.054302
- Applicability and limitations of highly non-linear potential flow solvers in the context of water waves G. Ducrozet et al. 10.1016/j.oceaneng.2017.07.003
- Freak waves in crossing seas M. Onorato et al. 10.1140/epjst/e2010-01237-8
- Rogue waves during Typhoon Trami in the East China Sea X. Jiang et al. 10.1007/s00343-019-8256-0
- A comparative study of two fast nonlinear free‐surface water wave models G. Ducrozet et al. 10.1002/fld.2672
- Numerical and experimental study on a 2-D floating body under extreme wave conditions X. Zhao & C. Hu 10.1016/j.apor.2012.01.001
- Extreme ocean waves. Part I. The practical application of fully nonlinear wave modelling W. Bateman et al. 10.1016/j.apor.2011.05.002
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Latest update: 09 Mar 2025
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