Articles | Volume 25, issue 1
Brief communication
03 Jan 2025
Brief communication |  | 03 Jan 2025

Brief communication: Training of AI-based nowcasting models for rainfall early warning should take into account user requirements

Georgy Ayzel and Maik Heistermann

In the field of precipitation nowcasting, deep learning (DL) has emerged as an alternative to conventional tracking and extrapolation techniques. However, DL struggles to adequately predict heavy precipitation, which is essential in early warning. By taking into account specific user requirements, though, we can simplify the training task and boost predictive skill. As an example, we predict the cumulative precipitation of the next hour (instead of 5 min increments) and the exceedance of thresholds (instead of numerical values). A dialogue between developers and users should identify the requirements to a nowcast and how to consider these in model training.

1 Introduction

Precipitation nowcasting is the short-term prediction of where and when precipitation will occur in the immediate future, typically covering the next minutes to hours. As society becomes increasingly exposed and vulnerable to heavy rainfall, nowcasting can contribute to anticipate rapidly evolving precipitation phenomena in early warning contexts.

The standard nowcasting procedure is to track precipitation features in a series of recent radar images and then to extrapolate their motion into the imminent future by numerical advection (Germann and Zawadzki2002). Skilful lead times often do not exceed 1 h for moderate intensities and even less for intense convective events (Imhoff et al.2020; Lin et al.2024).

In recent years, deep learning (DL) has emerged as an alternative to conventional tracking and extrapolation techniques, starting with Shi et al. (2015), then, for example, Agrawal et al. (2019), Ayzel et al. (2020), and Ravuri et al. (2021), followed since then by a sheer wave of new studies. The potential of DL in precipitation nowcasting lies in its capacity to discern intricate relationships in the data, without the intervention of specific feature engineering (as required for classic machine learning) or an understanding of governing processes (as required for physically based models). The availability of massive weather radar archives in conjunction with open-source software libraries and the required computational resources (graphical and tensor processing units) provides vast opportunities for progress.

Besides some of the general issues of DL (interpretability, sensitivity to input data quality and quantity, scalability, and robustness, to name a few), DL-based precipitation nowcasting struggles with the prediction of heavy precipitation features and hence extreme precipitation accumulations (e.g. Tran and Song2019; Ayzel et al.2020). This is particularly frustrating since early warning is a major application scenario for nowcasting tools. Several improvements have been suggested and tested, including new architectures (Ravuri et al.2021; Zhang et al.2023), new types of predictive features (van Nooten et al.2023; Leinonen et al.2023; Kim et al.2024), and tuning of training parameters (van Nooten et al.2023; Franch et al.2020). Yet it appears to remain difficult to successfully learn precipitation dynamics over a wide range of weather conditions, on top of the fundamental challenge in predicting the spatio-temporal dynamics of convective events.

Our hypothesis is that DL models have difficulties in detecting generalizable patterns in case they are trained to predict a wide range of precipitation intensities and depths. We further hypothesize that this issue could be addressed by tailoring the training task and procedure more to the prediction of whether any user-relevant precipitation threshold will be exceeded. It is surprising that this has been rarely attempted so far (with the exception of Leinonen et al.2023) – since the possibility of training DL models to solve specific tasks is one of their inherent strengths.

The aim of this paper is hence to demonstrate how the performance of DL models might benefit from simplifying the training task, by tailoring it more specifically to actual user requirements. We exemplify such a simplification for two aspects:

  1. Temporal resolution of the nowcast. Typically, nowcasting models predict precipitation at temporal increments of minutes (often 5 min). This is partly historically conditioned, as the conventional numerical extrapolation schemes required a high temporal resolution for predicting the displacement of rainfall features. But while such a high resolution might be helpful for some applications, others might as well be content with anticipating the cumulative precipitation depth over the next hour. For instance, the German Weather Service does not specify warning levels at any duration shorter than 1 h. Given that, in turn, the limit of predictability for convective heavy rainfall has repeatedly been shown not to exceed 1 h, we set the prediction target to be the precipitation depth accumulated over the next hour.

  2. Regression versus segmentation. In rainfall early warning, users are not necessarily interested in the exact rainfall depth but often rather in the exceedance of specific thresholds. The German Weather Service, for instance, uses three warning thresholds for hourly precipitation depths (15, 25, and 40 mm). Yet the values of such thresholds can be highly context dependent. So instead of defining the training task as a regression (which aims to predict a continuous numerical variable), we set a segmentation task in which we predict where the target variable exceeds a specific threshold.

The starting point of our study is the U-Net-based regression model RainNet (Ayzel et al.2020, which we will refer to here as RainNet2020). RainNet2020 was shown to be superior to conventional benchmark models with regard to the prediction of low to moderate precipitation intensities; however, it even fell short in predicting rainfall intensities of more than 5 mm h−1. In order to provide a more competitive regression model and hence a fair experimental setup in the present study context, RainNet2020 was revised substantially: we restricted the training data to heavy rainfall events, optimized the data splitting strategy, reduced the size of the model domain, and applied some architectural improvements (see Sect. 2.3.2 for details). The resulting RainNet2024 regression model is now used as a benchmark against a set of segmentation models that operate on the same domain, with the same training and testing data and with the same architectural design – but with the training tasks set to predict the exceedance of precipitation thresholds over the next hour (instead of continuous intensities at 5 min resolution).

2 Data and methods

2.1 Precipitation data (RADKLIM)

We use the RADKLIM_YW_2017.002 dataset (Winterrath et al.2018a, b), which is available on the open data repository of Germany's national meteorological service (Deutscher Wetterdienst; DWD hereafter). For 2001 to 2022, the dataset provides a national radar-based precipitation composite at an extent of 1100 km × 900 km and a resolution of 1 km in space and 5 min in time. RADKLIM constitutes a consistent and homogeneous reanalysis of DWD's radar data archive and covers comprehensive steps of quality control and corrections, including the final step of adjustment by an extended set of rain gauges.

2.2 Catalogue of heavy rainfall events (CatRaRE)

In order to focus the model training on heavy rainfall, we used the “Catalogue of Radar-based Heavy Rainfall Events” (CatRaRE v.2021.01; Lengfeld et al.2021a), which is openly available (Lengfeld et al.2021b). To create this catalogue, spatially and temporally coherent heavy rainfall events were extracted from more than 20 years of RADKLIM data (see Sect. 2.1). The corresponding methodological details can be found in Lengfeld et al. (2021a).

2.3 Nowcasting models

2.3.1 RainNet2020

Being one of the first deep convolutional neural networks for radar-based precipitation nowcasting, RainNet2020 was originally published under the name “RainNet” (Ayzel et al.2020). Its design was inspired by deep learning models from the U-Net and SegNet families. RainNet had been trained as a regression model that predicts continuous precipitation intensities on a spatial domain of 928×928 grid cells with a resolution of 1 km× 1 km, using the summer months of 2006 to 2013 as a training period. The actual target variable is the precipitation intensity at a lead time of 5 min. Nowcasts beyond that lead time are obtained in a recursive approach. In the context of this study, we use the pre-trained model exactly as it was published in 2020. It merely serves as a reference for its successor, RainNet2024.

2.3.2 RainNet2024

As already pointed out in Sect. 1, we aimed to introduce a more competitive regression-type DL model which would then be consistently trained and tested together with the segmentation-type models in the context of this study. All features described in Sect. 2.3.1 for RainNet2020 also apply to RainNet2024, except for the following adjustments:

  • Spatial domain. The model is trained and applied on a spatial domain of 256 km × 256 km.

  • Architectural adjustments. We used the segmentation models' library (Iakubovskii2019) as a source of model architecture. The decoder branch in the original U-Net design was substituted by the EfficientNetB4 model, which balances fewer parameters with higher efficiency (see further details in Sect. S1.1).

  • Loss function. We used the mean squared error (MSE) as it showed higher efficiency compared to LogCosh loss used in RainNet2020 in a number of preliminary tests.

  • Training data preprocessing. Instead of data normalization by taking the natural logarithm (as implemented in RainNet2020 training), we used a standard linear scaling approach by dividing input data by 400 mm h−1 (which is close to the registered maximum intensity in the RADKLIM dataset).

Model training, validation, and testing are the same as for the segmentation models (Sect. 2.3.3) and are described in Sect. 2.4.

2.3.3 RainNet2024-S

For predicting the exceedance of hourly precipitation thresholds, we use the very same architecture as for RainNet2024 (Sect. 2.3.2). Yet by changing the activation function of the last linear layer from linear to sigmoid, we set it up as a segmentation task (see further details in Sect. S1.2). Accordingly, we refer to the resulting models as RainNet2024-S. Strictly speaking, the training for each precipitation threshold results into a different RainNet2024-S model. As thresholds of precipitation in the next hour, we used 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, and 40 mm. The thresholds of 15, 25, and 40 mm correspond to warning levels 2 to 4 in DWD's warning protocols (DWD2024, in German) and should hence serve as examples of a user-specific precipitation threshold (note that warning level 1 does not exist). For RainNet2024-S training, we used the Jaccard loss function (Rahman and Wang2016), also referred to as Intersection over Union (IoU). Jaccard loss is a relaxed and differentiable modification of the critical success index (CSI), which is a widely used metric in the field of precipitation nowcasting (Sect. 2.4).

2.3.4 Conventional benchmark models

We used two conventional benchmark models: the trivial “persistence” benchmark assumes that the precipitation intensities at forecast time just persist over the prediction lead time (in this case 1 h). Considering its simplicity, though, the assumption of persistence can turn out as quite skilful. As a much more competitive benchmark, we selected PySTEPS (Pulkkinen et al.2019). PySTEPS is a powerful open-source software tool that received a lot of attention in the recent years and is also applied in operational contexts. It applies optical flow techniques for field tracking and then extrapolates the detected motion into the future. In addition, PySTEPS allows for ensemble nowcasts that also take into account the development of the rainfall field at different scales. Here, we used PySTEPS in a straightforward deterministic way by using the Lucas–Kanade local feature tracking module to obtain the velocity field, which is then used to advect the latest radar image.

2.4 Design of benchmark experiment

The overall workflow of the benchmark experiment is summarized in Fig. 1. For model training and testing, we selected, from the CatRaRE catalogue (Sect.2.2), events between 2001 and 2020, which were most extreme at a duration of 6 h or less (this information is part of the catalogue and is based on an analysis of the weather extremity index; see Müller and Kaspar2014). That way, we created a particularly challenging benchmark environment, since we focus our analysis not only on extreme precipitation events, but specifically on events with a relatively short duration. This increases the proportion of convective events which are, on the one hand, specifically hard to predict but, on the other hand, constitute the kind of events that actually motivate nowcasting applications in early warning contexts.

Figure 1The figure outlines the overall experimental setup, including the data to select events for training and testing (the CatRaRE catalogue version v2021.01; Lengfeld et al.2021b), the actual radar-based rainfall data (YW product in RADKLIM version v2017.002, Winterrath et al.2018a), and the data splitting for training, validation, and testing.


Altogether, 19 613 events were selected from CatRaRE. Using, for each event, a 1 h buffer around the start and end time together with the spatial bounding box, data cubes with grid dimensions of 256 km × 256 km were extracted from the RADKLIM dataset. Stacked together, these data cubes constituted the data available for training (2001–2015), validation (2016–2018), and testing (2019–2020). For each data split and precipitation threshold (5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 40 mm), we evaluated the corresponding CatRaRE events and created an index that points out the event's ID and the specific time step of the data cube when the hourly rainfall is equal to or exceeds the threshold. For RainNet2024-S training and validation, we used only data relevant to the particular threshold exceedance, while for threshold-agnostic RainNet2024, we used the full index as obtained from a threshold exceedance of 5 mm. All models were tested on the same data with regard to the particular thresholds.

For training the RainNet2024-S and RainNet2024 models, we utilized the Adam optimizer with a standard set of parameters. Both models were trained for 20 epochs. If the validation loss did not decrease for two consecutive epochs, we reduced the learning rate by a factor of 0.1 to refine the optimization procedure. The final models were saved in a format that preserves their configuration details (architecture) and weights, ensuring transferability and reproducibility of results.

For model testing, we used two different community-approved verification metrics (both are documented in Ayzel et al.2020): (1) the critical success index (CSI) measures the rate of correctly forecast events relative to all forecasts except majority class hits, adjusted for random hits, and (2) the fractions skill score (FSS) compares forecast and observed fractions that exceed a threshold for increasingly large neighbourhoods around a pixel and hence provides a measure of how the skill changes if an increasing level of displacement error becomes acceptable.

In the testing data, 4.27 % of the grid cells exceeded the 5 mm threshold. This percentage further decreased with increasing threshold values (10 mm: 1.26 %, 15 mm: 0.44 %, 20 mm: 0.19 %, 25 mm: 0.09 %, 30 mm: 0.04 %, 40 mm: 0.01 %). This is a highly challenging prediction task, and with such low percentages of threshold exceedance, the CSI will penalize any excessive tendency of a model to score by means of overprediction (i.e. at the cost of increasing false alarms). Still, we separately report probability of detection (POD) and false alarm rate (FAR) for the different models and thresholds in Sect. S2.

3 Results and discussion

Figure 2 presents the key results of this study. It shows the skill of the models in predicting the exceedance of increasingly high thresholds of precipitation depth that accumulated over a period of 1 h after forecast time. The model skill is quantified in terms of the critical success index (CSI). Remember that the models RainNet2020, RainNet2024, PySTEPS, and persistence predict continuous values of precipitation intensities at 5 min resolution, while the RainNet2024-S models were separately trained to predict threshold exceedance.

Figure 2Skill of the models (in terms of the mean CSI over all test data) in predicting the exceedance of increasingly high thresholds of precipitation depth (x axis) that accumulate over a period of 1 h after forecast time. The vertical black lines represent the DWD warning levels for hourly precipitation. All shown CSI values are significantly different (except for persistence and PySTEPS at a threshold of 20 mm h−1; see Sect. S3 with Table S3 for details about the bootstrapping procedure to evaluate significance).


The first and, maybe, unedifying impression from Fig. 2 is that the predictive skill is moderate at best for all models and that it strongly deteriorates with increasing precipitation thresholds (essentially no skill left at a threshold of 40 mm). Unedifying as it may be, this fact is unsurprising and well in line with the existing body of literature: high hourly precipitation depths are typically caused by convective events which are, in turn, characterized by low predictability in terms of initiation, motion, and intensity dynamics. By testing the models on such events, we created an exceptionally challenging benchmark arena.

Leaving this first impression behind, though, we observe clear differences between the models. For the record, we can establish that the revision of RainNet2020 towards RainNet2024 caused a substantial boost in model skill across all precipitation thresholds so that we can now consider RainNet2024 a competitive benchmark: it outperforms the conventional benchmark models, PySTEPS and persistence, up to a precipitation depth of 15 mm in 1 h (which is referred to as “warning level 2” by the DWD). For 20 mm h−1 and more, both RainNet2024 and PySTEPS fall behind persistence, although it should be noted that the differences are as marginal as the remaining model skill at these precipitation thresholds. Additional verification metrics (POD and FAR) are reported and briefly discussed in Sect. S2.

Based on Fig. 2, we can maintain that the RainNet2024-S models clearly outperform all competitors across all precipitation thresholds. The gain in the CSI metric, as compared to the corresponding second best model, is consistently around 0.06. Given the loss of skill with increasing thresholds, the relative gain in skill substantially increases with precipitation thresholds.

These results are in line with our hypothesis that making the training task more specific pays off with a higher predictive skill. One might argue that this result is unsurprising. In our view, though, it is by no means self-evident that the segmentation models could actually capitalize on a more specific training task.

Figure 3 extends the view on model skill by showing how it depends on the size of a spatial neighbourhood window around any target grid cell. It is well known that, particularly in convective situations, nowcasting models struggle to provide skilful forecasts at kilometre resolution. The fractions skill score (FSS) quantifies the model skill when we relax this requirement, i.e. when we allow an increasing level of displacement error. Accordingly, Fig. 3 shows that the skill increases with window size for all models. The RainNet2024-S model family, however, outperforms RainNet2024 and PySTEPS at all window sizes and rainfall thresholds. The performance gap (i.e. the FSS difference between RainNet2024-S and its competitors) even increases with window size in most of the cases (and never decreases).

Figure 3Fractions skill score (FSS) with increasing thresholds and neighbourhood window sizes for different models.


Altogether, the RainNet2024-S model family substantially outperforms all competing models at all considered thresholds, metrics, and neighbourhood window sizes. The FSS demonstrates an additional dimension along which the training task for precipitation nowcasts could be relaxed in case users do not require a kilometre resolution. Although RainNet2024-S is already superior at all spatial window sizes, its skill might well be pushed further if directly trained for a specific spatial resolution or target geometry or, in other words, if the displacement error acceptable by the user were directly considered in model training (e.g. see Lin et al.2024, regarding the effects of the size of urban areas on predictive skill).

4 Conclusions

This study was motivated by the fact that DL-based models for precipitation nowcasting are still challenged by the prediction of heavy precipitation. Our hypothesis was that they have difficulties in detecting generalizable patterns in case they are trained to predict a wide range of precipitation intensities and depths. We further hypothesized that this issue could be addressed by tailoring the training task and procedure more to target variables that are actually user-relevant. That way, the training task could be simplified so that the model may develop additional skill in solving it. We exemplified such a simplification by relaxing two requirements: (i) instead of predicting rainfall intensities in 5 min increments over the next hour (as typically done in the nowcasting community), we set the target variable directly as the cumulative precipitation depth over the next hour; (ii) instead of predicting continuous precipitation values, we trained to predict the exceedance of specific thresholds (exemplified by DWD warning levels but could take any other value as required by users).

To demonstrate the validity of our hypothesis, we set up a benchmark experiment in which we compared a regression-type DL model (RainNet2024, successor of the original RainNet model published by Ayzel et al.2020) to its segmentation-type counterparts (RainNet2024-S). The latter were individually trained to predict the exceedance of 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, and 40 mm of precipitation in the hour after forecast time. The RainNet2024-S models outperformed RainNet2024 and the other benchmark models (PySTEPS, persistence) for all investigated thresholds and verification metrics. While the superiority of RainNet2024-S may seem unsurprising, it was by no means self-evident that the segmentation models would actually be able to capitalize on the more specific training task.

For all models and thresholds, though, the predictive skill is still moderate to low. This is, however, also a result of the challenging benchmark environment that was created by focusing on short-duration heavy rainfall events for training and testing. Furthermore, we could show a substantial increase in skill for all models (but particularly for RainNet2024-S) at neighbourhoods larger than the original kilometre resolution.

We are confident that there are, among the many new DL-based nowcasting models that were recently proposed, quite a number of models that would outperform RainNet2024 and probably also our RainNet2024-S model family. These models employ advanced architectures, in combination with new predictive features such as digital elevation models, polarimetric radar moments, or fields from numerical weather prediction models. At this point, we would like to reiterate that the aim of our study was not to introduce superior DL architectures or model structures but to demonstrate how a simplification of the training task can help to improve model skill and to boost the usefulness for specific user groups. In our view, this approach should be systematically explored also for recently proposed DL models.

There are various conceivable dimensions along which user preferences might find their way into model training (e.g. by specifying precipitation thresholds, spatial and temporal resolution, or preferences towards deterministic versus probabilistic forecasts). Our main message is hence that model developers and users need to start a dialogue of what users actually require from a nowcast and how this information could be effectively considered in model training.

Code availability

The model code and pre-trained model weights and test data are available in the following repository: (Ayzel2024).

Data availability

All data used in this study are openly available on DWD's open data server, namely the radar-based precipitation data reanalysis RADKLIM (, Winterrath et al.2018a) and the CatRaRE catalogue of radar-based heavy rainfall events (Lengfeld et al.2021b).


The supplement related to this article is available online at:

Author contributions

GA and MH conceptualized the study. GA carried out the model development and benchmark experiment. GA and MH prepared the figures, and MH wrote the manuscript with contributions of GA.

Competing interests

The contact author has declared that neither of the authors has any competing interests.


Publisher's note: Copernicus Publications remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims made in the text, published maps, institutional affiliations, or any other geographical representation in this paper. While Copernicus Publications makes every effort to include appropriate place names, the final responsibility lies with the authors.

Financial support

This research has been supported by the Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung via the project “Innovative Instrumente zum Management des Urbanen Starkregenrisikos (InnoMAUS)” (grant no. 02WEE1632A) in the funding programme “WaX – Wasserextremereignisse”.

Review statement

This paper was edited by Vassiliki Kotroni and reviewed by Remko Uijlenhoet and two anonymous referees.


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Short summary
Forecasting rainfall over the next hour is an essential feature of early warning systems. Deep learning (DL) has emerged as a powerful alternative to conventional nowcasting technologies, but it still struggles to adequately predict impact-relevant heavy rainfall. We think that DL could do much better if the training tasks were defined more specifically and that such specification presents an opportunity to better align the output of nowcasting models with actual user requirements.
Final-revised paper