the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.
the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.
Space–time landslide hazard modeling via Ensemble Neural Networks
Ashok Dahal
Hakan Tanyas
Cees van Westen
Mark van der Meijde
Paul Martin Mai
Raphaël Huser
Luigi Lombardo
- Final revised paper (published on 08 Mar 2024)
- Preprint (discussion started on 06 Apr 2023)
Interactive discussion
Status: closed
RC1: 'Comment on egusphere-2023-584', Anonymous Referee #1, 06 Jun 2023
Overview and general comments:
The authors suggest using an "Ensemble Neural Network" to holistically assess landslide hazards involving all the terms from its definition: location, time, and magnitude. They attractively demonstrate the advancement in using a data-driven model with adequate discussion, also criticizing their modelling setup, particularly the causality limitation of machine learning tools.
In my below comments, I pointed out a few minor issues to improve the manuscript and the confidence in the results—my comments mainly concern data and methods. A few of the suggested literature is redundant; authors should not feel obliged to involve them in the current work. I hope that the authors will benefit from my suggestions.
Minor comments:
The authors emphasize the modelling setup's temporal aspect (advancement) in several places. However, the abstract only presents results (performance) regarding space and magnitude.
Also, the method section does not highlight how the temporal aspect and area density is assessed. I would appreciate it if those bits of the manuscript were extended. Studying the landslide legacy effect, I find the Fan 2013 paper really useful.
Huang, R., Fan, X. The landslide story. Nature Geosci 6, 325–326 (2013).
Do authors smooth the curvature metrics? One option could be smoothing it to average landslide size. In the meantime, total curvature is used to compute topographic amplification of seismic signals, which correlate well with the landslide activity (e.g., Maufroy et al., 2015; von Specht et al., 2019). Authors should consider experimenting with that. The second suggested article also claims that PGV is a better metric for studying coseismic landsliding than the common PGA.
Maufroy, E., Cruz-Atienza, V. M., Cotton, F., and Gaffet, S.: Frequency-scaled curvature as a proxy for topographic site-effect amplification and ground-motion variability, Bull. Seismol. Soc. Am., 105, 354–367,, 2015.
von Specht, S., Ozturk, U., Veh, G., Cotton, F., and Korup, O.: Effects of finite source rupture on landslide triggering: the 2016 Mw 7.1 Kumamoto earthquake, Solid Earth, 10, 463–486,, 2019.
In a few places, authors mention limitations arising from data imbalance, e.g., line 209. Could they try sampling an equal amount of data from different classes and assessing accuracy?
There are several figures with 8 to 12 subplots. I found those figures rather uninformative. It is tough to get the main message of those figures. For example, success differences of the model over time are not apparent in Figure 8; residual differences are not evident and hard to see in Figure 9; differences between susceptibility and area density in-between and over time are not easy to recognize in Figure 10. I believe also the message of Figure 2 could be given differently.
Could providing correlations between subplots of Figure 11 be helpful?
Line 30: "neglecting" à I found the statement slightly judgmental. The landslide community was primarily focused on the location aspect of landslides, as temporal landslide data was rarely available, if at all.
Line 56: "Section ??"
Physics-based or Physically-based model is a better term to use? The manuscript includes both terms.
Citation: -
AC1: 'Reply on RC1', Ashok Dahal, 20 Sep 2023
REV1: Overview and general comments:
The authors suggest using an "Ensemble Neural Network" to holistically assess landslide hazards involving all the terms from its definition: location, time, and magnitude. They attractively demonstrate the advancement in using a data-driven model with adequate discussion, also criticizing their modelling setup, particularly the causality limitation of machine learning tools.
In my below comments, I pointed out a few minor issues to improve the manuscript and the confidence in the results—my comments mainly concern data and methods. A few of the suggested literature is redundant; authors should not feel obliged to involve them in the current work. I hope that the authors will benefit from my suggestions.
Response: Dear Reviewer-1, Thank you for your feedback and comments on the manuscript after an in-depth reading, We appreciate your time and feedback on our manuscript. We think clarification on these issues will help us a lot to improve the quality of our manuscript and your constructive and detailed feedback will help us to enrich the quality of our work.
REV1: Minor comments:
The authors emphasize the modelling setup's temporal aspect (advancement) in several places. However, the abstract only presents results (performance) regarding space and magnitude.
Response: Yes that is correct, the temporal aspect (the seasons after the earthquake, in particular) is added as an input data to the model to simulate co and post seismic behavior, for the temporal probabilities as in the conventional sense of landslide hazard modelling we did not model the temporal frequency because our approach only simulated the landslides in a deterministic framework. The combined modelling of temporal probability with Poisson distribution is a logical next step to this work but because of very small multi-temporal inventory we could not achieve this, with the availability of newer inventories we think the future research can include those aspects.
REV1: Also, the method section does not highlight how the temporal aspect and area density is assessed. I would appreciate it if those bits of the manuscript were extended. Studying the landslide legacy effect, I find the Fan 2013 paper really useful.
Huang, R., Fan, X. The landslide story. Nature Geosci 6, 325–326 (2013).
Response: Thank you for your view on this, we will further elaborate this aspect specifically to the legacy effect on the revised version of the manuscript.
REV1: Do authors smooth the curvature metrics? One option could be smoothing it to average landslide size. In the meantime, total curvature is used to compute topographic amplification of seismic signals, which correlate well with the landslide activity (e.g., Maufroy et al., 2015; von Specht et al., 2019). Authors should consider experimenting with that. The second suggested article also claims that PGV is a better metric for studying coseismic landsliding than the common PGA.
Maufroy, E., Cruz-Atienza, V. M., Cotton, F., and Gaffet, S.: Frequency-scaled curvature as a proxy for topographic site-effect amplification and ground-motion variability, Bull. Seismol. Soc. Am., 105, 354–367,, 2015.
von Specht, S., Ozturk, U., Veh, G., Cotton, F., and Korup, O.: Effects of finite source rupture on landslide triggering: the 2016 Mw 7.1 Kumamoto earthquake, Solid Earth, 10, 463–486,, 2019.
Response: Thank you for the feedback, In this study we did not smooth the curvature metrics and provide it as it is to the model which model and the given nature of the model it should be able to learn smoothing effect. Smoothing it to an average landslide size in this case is difficult because we do not know the size of the individual landslides but only the area density of landslides per 1km grid making it difficult to smooth the curvature. The total curvature would make it more interesting at the slope unit scales but due to the 1km grid space they do not exactly match the geomorphological criterions and therefore using total curvature does not improve the model quality. For the case of PGV, we understand that PGV might be better metric but because the input data is derived from Shakemap system, and the values are derived empirically the difference in PGA and PGV is not very large, in case of directly observed or simulated data adding PGV could help by a lot. We will add this evaluation in the manuscript to make it more clearer to the audience.
REV1: In a few places, authors mention limitations arising from data imbalance, e.g., line 209. Could they try sampling an equal amount of data from different classes and assessing accuracy?
Response: Yes, we can try and check the accuracy in a balanced sample and include it in the modified text. We think it will not change the results significantly to what we already have in terms of F1 score because it is not vulnerable to imbalanced data and can represent the unbiased prediction performance. Anyway, for the shake of clarity we will include it in the amended manuscript.
REV1: There are several figures with 8 to 12 subplots. I found those figures rather uninformative. It is tough to get the main message of those figures. For example, success differences of the model over time are not apparent in Figure 8; residual differences are not evident and hard to see in Figure 9; differences between susceptibility and area density in-between and over time are not easy to recognize in Figure 10. I believe also the message of Figure 2 could be given differently.
Response: Thank you for your suggestion, we tried to show the prediction performance as well as the model output in multiple temporal domains with the subplots, we will amend the manuscript to clarify their main messages in the caption text for easier understanding to the readers.
REV1: Could providing correlations between subplots of Figure 11 be helpful?
Response: Yes, we can add the correlation between those variables in the figure to include more information, which will provide the status of landslide hazard with high correlation meaning that the location with higher area density also had higher susceptibility and vice versa.
REV1: Line 30: "neglecting" à I found the statement slightly judgmental. The landslide community was primarily focused on the location aspect of landslides, as temporal landslide data was rarely available, if at all.
Response: Thank you for your feedback, we will include your comment as a limitation and remove the word neglecting to clarify the manuscript.
REV1: Line 56: "Section ??"
Response: Thank you for noticing, we will change it in the text.
REV1: Physics-based or Physically-based model is a better term to use? The manuscript includes both terms.
Response: Thank you for your feedback, we will only include physically-based which is more common in the natural hazards literature.
AC1: 'Reply on RC1', Ashok Dahal, 20 Sep 2023
RC2: 'Comment on egusphere-2023-584', Anonymous Referee #2, 08 Sep 2023
After an in-depth review of the paper entitled "Space-time Landslide Hazard Modelling via Ensemble Neural Networks," it is very evident that the paper has serious flaws.
1. First of all, the paper is methodological and relies on a published multi-temporal inventory from Kincey et al. (2021). In the paper, the authors have used landslide inventory data from Nepal (Gorka post-earthquake from 2015 to 2018) and also the area density maps. The authors have used these datasets and digital elevation derivatives and rainfall and peak ground acceleration conditioning factors to produce landslide susceptibility maps and also combine the susceptibility results with area density block to give hazard output. There is clearly a methodological issue in this step as in the literature “landslide hazard refers to the probability or likelihood of a landslide occurring within a specific area and within a given period, taking into account the different factors contributing to slope instability”. However, this paper clearly lacks the temporal component of hazard, which they claim they can achieve using only three years of multi-temporal inventory.
2. In any landslide hazard modelling paper, geological aspects cannot be ignored to model landslide hazard. However, this paper lacks a section discussing the geological assumptions made during the study. Understanding the geological context is crucial for any Earth science study, more so for hazard modelling. There are several other data bias issues and model selection uncertainties. Still, the authors are repetitively putting emphasis on the novelty aspect as mentioned in lines 11-14 and again in lines 23-25, without substantiating their claims with solid arguments or evidence.
3. The introduction section of the paper is very poor, with one paragraph related to physically based modelling and another with statistical models for landslide susceptibility. In recent decades, several high-quality papers have been published related to the use of neural networks for landslide susceptibility modelling and for space-time modelling such as “Montrasio, L., Valentino, R., Corina, A. et al. A prototype system for space–time assessment of rainfall-induced shallow landslides in Italy. Nat Hazards 74, 1263–1290 (2014) “Nocentini, Nicola, et al. "Towards landslide space-time forecasting through machine learning: the influence of rainfall parameters and model setting." Frontiers in Earth Science 11 (2023): 1152130.” “Grelle, G., Soriano, M., Revellino, P. et al. Space–time prediction of rainfall-induced shallow landslides through a combined probabilistic/deterministic approach, optimized for initial water table conditions. Bull Eng Geol Environ 73, 877–890 (2014).”. “Catani, Filippo, Veronica Tofani, and Daniela Lagomarsino. "Spatial patterns of landslide dimension: a tool for magnitude mapping." Geomorphology 273 (2016): 361-373.”4. The results of this paper are the product of incomplete datasets, and it is evident from the paper by Kincey et al. (2021), that for an area of about 25000 km² from 2014 to 2018, only two experts manually digitized the landslide inventories every six months, with less frequency in 2017-2018. They used coarse-resolution imagery from Landsat and Sentinel-2 for manual visual interpretation of landslides. Due to the use of coarser resolution imagery, many small landslides along road networks and even in areas closer to built-up areas were missing. It also resulted in spatial bias in landslide area density. The main concern is that the authors used the datasets from Kincey et al. (2021) without any new consideration and quality check, trying to model landslide hazard on a dataset not originally intended for the direct usability of creating a landslide hazard map. This leads to model uncertainty regarding training, prediction, and especially validation.
5. The paper is vague about the exact architecture of the Ensemble Neural Network (ENN). Information about layers, nodes, and activation functions is missing. There is a complete absence of discussion on hyperparameter tuning, which is critical for the performance of deep learning models. The paper doesn't provide details on the training procedures, such as batch sizes, learning rates, or optimization algorithms used, impacting the model's reproducibility. While claims are made about the model's satisfactory performance, there is no elaboration on how this was evaluated, such as specific metrics or comparative baselines. The paper doesn't discuss the computational resources required for training and implementing the model, which is vital information for potential users. The paper lacks explicit discussion about the assumptions behind the models used. This makes it difficult to assess the reliability and applicability of the results. The section about selection of mapping is unclear and does not satisfy the reasoning given to modify the mapping units; it seems it was deliberately done to fit their model needs to achieve better results.
6. The paper details a neural network model with 23,556,931 trainable parameters but does not discuss how overfitting is mitigated. This is a significant concern, especially if the dataset is insufficient to justify such complexity. There is a lack of information on how the hyperparameters for the Adam optimizer and the learning rate were selected. This absence of methodological detail hampers the paper's replicability. The paper glosses over crucial data preprocessing steps and how imbalanced data is handled. Given the nature of landslide data, this could be a major issue affecting the model's performance. There is no discussion on model validation techniques like cross-validation, raising questions about the model's generalizability. The choice of a 1km x 1km grid for spatial analysis is unjustified. Given that landslides are highly local and temporal phenomena, failing to account for these could result in a model with limited applicability. The paper is limited in the range of environmental factors considered, focusing only on earthquake and rainfall intensities. This narrow scope risks omitting crucial predictors of landslides. The approach of training two separate components and then combining them is unconventional and could introduce errors or biases, none of which are discussed. The text is quite complex and convoluted, making it difficult for readers to follow the methodology and the presented arguments.
Overall, this methodological paper is not suitable to be published in its current form and low level of scientific quality in a high-impact journal such as Natural Hazards Earth System Sciences.Citation: -
AC2: 'Reply on RC2', Ashok Dahal, 20 Sep 2023
REV2: After an in-depth review of the paper entitled "Space-time Landslide Hazard Modelling via Ensemble Neural Networks," it is very evident that the paper has serious flaws.
Response: Dear Reviewer-2, Thank you for the time you dedicated to reading the manuscript. Below we will provide our responses to your comments.
REV2: First of all, the paper is methodological and relies on a published multi-temporal inventory from Kincey et al. (2021). In the paper, the authors have used landslide inventory data from Nepal (Gorka post-earthquake from 2015 to 2018) and also the area density maps. The authors have used these datasets and digital elevation derivatives and rainfall and peak ground acceleration conditioning factors to produce landslide susceptibility maps and also combine the susceptibility results with area density block to give hazard output. There is clearly a methodological issue in this step as in the literature “landslide hazard refers to the probability or likelihood of a landslide occurring within a specific area and within a given period, taking into account the different factors contributing to slope instability”. However, this paper clearly lacks the temporal component of hazard, which they claim they can achieve using only three years of multi-temporal inventory.Response: We fully agree with you that the paper is methodological advancement rather than a case study of specific slope or region. We used the data from existing sources to test the capability of our model rather than to define mitigation measures for which more careful field survey is required.
Coming back to your question on temporal component of landslide hazard, I think there is a certain misunderstanding. You state that the paper lacks the temporal component because we use three years of data. For two reasons your assumption that three years may not be sufficient does not hold, which we will clarify below.
First of all, there is no formal definition of how long should a time series be to satisfy the requirement for probabilistic modeling in time. If there is one, we would be interested in reading the source of it, so kindly provide it for our reference. This being said, we fully agree with you that if one looks into time series analyses, these make use of much longer time-windows to be carried out. However, such time series analyses, they are also carries out for single locations. In our case, as relatively short a three-year time period may be, we should keep in mind that the spatial dimension we consider covers most of the Nepalese territory. In that sense, if we trade space-for-time, the retrieved information could be fed to a space-time model. This model, if suitably built, could provide probabilistic estimates both for the spatial dimension as well as for the temporal one. As a result, the temporal dimension of the hazard can still be estimated. The only difference with a long time series requirement you imply in your comment is that the validity of the model estimates will act on a short-time framework rather than a long one. In other words, the hazard assessment our model produces is certainly valid for the three years it was built for. We never claimed it to be valid for the next decades or centuries as it is commonly done for engineering solutions based on long return periods.
As for our second reply, it essentially expands on what explained before but focusing on the hazard definition you commented on. In fact, one can define landslide hazard models both on the basis of probabilistic and deterministic approaches. Probabilistic ones typically rely on the solution of Poisson models to provide landslide temporal frequency information such the landslide hazard likelihood for specific return periods. Such models, as you also implied in your comment, require longer term data. We also need to keep in mind that for deterministic solutions, the landslide temporal frequency is always considered 1 because we are estimating the landslide hazard with already known triggering factors. Our space-time model treats the temporal dimension deterministically. This is the main reason why we have not projected the landslide hazard in future scenarios with different return period, for instance by including climate change scenarios. This in turn is translated in a modelling approach where the temporal probability is not explicitly estimated but rather obtained from a model informed of the spatio-temporal evolution of landslide occurrences and planimetric characteristics.
We hope to have provided sufficient evidence on why our modeling protocol is not flawed but simply framed in a different structure as compared to more standard alternatives. This being said, your comment made us realize that all the discussion provided here was not expressed clearly enough in the manuscript, or at least, it made us realize that more effort should be put into providing a clearer justification for our choices and assumptions. In the revised version of the manuscript, we plan to add a detailed description of the notion we introduced above. Overall, we would like to thank you for your comment, as we believe it will indeed improve the text and the readability for the NHESS readership.
REV2: In any landslide hazard modelling paper, geological aspects cannot be ignored to model landslide hazard. However, this paper lacks a section discussing the geological assumptions made during the study. Understanding the geological context is crucial for any Earth science study, more so for hazard modelling. There are several other data bias issues and model selection uncertainties. Still, the authors are repetitively putting emphasis on the novelty aspect as mentioned in lines 11-14 and again in lines 23-25, without substantiating their claims with solid arguments or evidence.Response: Thank you for this insightful comment, indeed we did not include a section in the geological assumptions and aspects in the area because as you already mentioned our work is directed towards methodological advancements rather than focusing on a detailed case study. We would like to remind here that space-time modeling for landslide hazard estimation across large geographic scales has very few contributions, which is where our interest and efforts have been directed to. As for the role of geology, it is equally important to realize that for Nepal and specifically for the entirety of the area under consideration, the availability of detailed lithological maps is extremely limited, if not absent. We are not stating that Nepal does not have relevant lithological information. However, this is only valid for specific sectors. The area where we designed our experiment and modeling protocol is lithologically described into four classes. To provide evidence of our statement, we would refer the anonymous reviewer to the geological map available at the following link:
Due to the reviewer expertise on data-driven modeling, we are sure you would understand that a subdivision of an area that basically almost covers the whole country of Nepal in just 4 lithological classes would not support any realistic geological assumption. You may wonder if other sources of lithological information are available for the whole study area under consideration. We have looked into this and found two more sources.
These can be found at the two following links and below we will explain why there are equally useless.
Link2: (PDF) Numerical Modeling for Support System Design of Headrace tunnel of Rahughat Hydroelectric Project (
Both these sources, as you will see from the second link in Figure 1-1, do provide a slightly better geological characterization from the spatial perspective. In fact, the number of classes are seven. Here we should remark once more that seven classes are still a very small number compared to the extent of the study area, leaving any geological consideration unsubstantiated in any case. But, let us assume that they are enough. The issue is that they only refer to geological formations, which makes it impossible to interpret any spatio-temporal dependence with respect to landslide occurrences and relative areal densities. For instance, how would one address your request of providing a sound geological explanation if the class is “Lesser Himalayan Zone” or “Higher Himalayan Zone”. It goes without saying that any explanation will end up becoming a speculation, for which the reviewer could be equally critical.
This is to say that the comment from the reviewer does make sense from a pure theoretical perspective. However, its practical feasibility is much less reasonable when considering the data availability across the whole study area.
This is our most generic answer but another element to be addressed here is to ask ourselves whether one would actually need such thematic information. Our space-time model offers outstanding performance both in the susceptibility component as well as in the area density one. So, what would add the use of lithology? If we would really add it and the model would suddenly predict 100% of the landslide occurrence location as well as their planimetric extents, one could say that the model would suddenly be unreliable because it is impossible to predict everything correctly. This is for us to explain that modeling requests should also follow a feasibility criterion, which is not the case here upon consideration of data availability and also on why such information should be useful at all. Most likely, a very complex model as the one we implemented here is capturing micro-to-marco scale geological effects through the use of terrain characteristics. We should remember here that, yes, our mapping unit of choice is a 1x1 km2 lattice. However, the information is passed to the neural network as an nested partition at approximately 30m resolution. For this reason, the model may intrinsically learn that 30m pixels at 90 degrees could only be possible if the material is rocky in nature and that much gentler slopes may be characteristics of softer or unconsolidated materials.
Having provided extensive evidence of why the concerns raised by the reviewer do not apply to our case from a pure modeling perspective, we have to admit that while re-reading the document, we also realized that the description of the geological context at large could have been largely improved. For this reason, in the revised manuscript we plan to add a section to describe the geological context of the study area and the limitations we faced.
REV2: The introduction section of the paper is very poor, with one paragraph related to physically based modelling and another with statistical models for landslide susceptibility. In recent decades, several high-quality papers have been published related to the use of neural networks for landslide susceptibility modelling and for space-time modelling such as “Montrasio, L., Valentino, R., Corina, A. et al. A prototype system for space–time assessment of rainfall-induced shallow landslides in Italy. Nat Hazards 74, 1263–1290 (2014) “Nocentini, Nicola, et al. "Towards landslide space-time forecasting through machine learning: the influence of rainfall parameters and model setting." Frontiers in Earth Science 11 (2023): 1152130.” “Grelle, G., Soriano, M., Revellino, P. et al. Space–time prediction of rainfall-induced shallow landslides through a combined probabilistic/deterministic approach, optimized for initial water table conditions. Bull Eng Geol Environ 73, 877–890 (2014).”. “Catani, Filippo, Veronica Tofani, and Daniela Lagomarsino. "Spatial patterns of landslide dimension: a tool for magnitude mapping." Geomorphology 273 (2016): 361-373.”Response: Thank you for your comment. We do agree that the literature review can be expanded and this is what we plan in the revised version of the manuscript, including the references you suggested. We would like to stress that in the original version, we tried to provide as concise and clear introduction as possible to the audiences, doing so, we might have missed some of the literature, we will further expand our manuscript to include the referred literatures as well.
REV2: The results of this paper are the product of incomplete datasets, and it is evident from the paper by Kincey et al. (2021), that for an area of about 25000 km² from 2014 to 2018, only two experts manually digitized the landslide inventories every six months, with less frequency in 2017-2018. They used coarse-resolution imagery from Landsat and Sentinel-2 for manual visual interpretation of landslides. Due to the use of coarser resolution imagery, many small landslides along road networks and even in areas closer to built-up areas were missing. It also resulted in spatial bias in landslide area density. The main concern is that the authors used the datasets from Kincey et al. (2021) without any new consideration and quality check, trying to model landslide hazard on a dataset not originally intended for the direct usability of creating a landslide hazard map. This leads to model uncertainty regarding training, prediction, and especially validation.
Response: We generally agree with you for this comment. We are fully aware that the multi-temporal inventory is developed from relatively coarse resolution dataset (even though, 10 m sentinel 2 can be classified as high resolution in every sense of its term) and does not contain the landslides that are likely triggered by anthropogenic factors such as near road and near built-up areas. However, it is also important to stress that the potential bias you refer to could theoretically make its way into the model
if captured by covariates that are linked to anthropogenic effects. Specifically for this reason, we have not explicitly included any anthropogenic conditioning factors such as road network and built-up area in our model. In other words, by only using natural predictors such as terrain and meteorological characteristics, our model would not reflect inventory biases in its final estimates. This topic is extensively discusses and made very clear in a number of contributions made by Stefan Steger. Specifically, Steger et al. (2016) or (2021) precisely explain how inventory biases can affect model results if captured by bias-related covariates, which we avoided. Therefore, your concerns are generally sound but not in the specific version of the space-time model we implemented.As for the comment on visual interpretation, we think that manual and visual mapping of landslides is in fact the most appropriate way to map the landslides after field visit (which is not possible for such a vast region). Even though the machine learning based approaches are fast, they are prone to make more mistakes than visual approaches and we think this inventory in that sense is good. The dataset provided from Kincey et al. (2021) is in a gridded structure as an area density of the landslides rather than the actual polygons in which case we could look at the frequency area distribution and perform quality check. However, due to lack of the actual landslide polygons we could not perform this test. Moreover, this is the first landslide inventory data that covers such a large area of landslide evolution which is enough to train a deep learning model meaningfully, which makes it suitable for our application and test case.
Regarding the model uncertainty, yes because it is a regional scale model, it has many uncertainties, and they are inherit problems with all of the scientific methods. In this case, main uncertainties come from the inventory and predisposing factors and we would like to stress that uncertainty propagation should be further studied in terms of landslide hazard modelling but this is out of scope for this manuscript.
Having responded to all your comments, it is important for us to mention that if the concerns you raised here would become a requirement for any article dealing with prediction of landslides, then half of the literature would not exists. For instance, specifically for earthquake-induced landslides, it is common practice using landslide inventories shared by the teams responsible for the mapping, even beyond the original author list. In other words, inventories are used for testing certain hypotheses, even if they have certain limitations. For instance, let us take the example of an author you mentioned above among the suggested references, Prof. Filippo Catani. He has recently co-authored a number of articles (e.g., Loche et al., 2022 or Meena et al., 2023) relying on inventories generated by others. Let us look into “HR-GLDD: a globally distributed dataset using generalized deep learning (DL) for rapid landslide mapping on high-resolution (HR) satellite imagery”. In their work, the authors make use of 13 inventories from very different source to train a global automated landslide mapping tool based on Neural Networks. Among these 13 inventories there will certainly be some degree of influence or bias brought by the original resolution of the satellite images used for mapping or even by the different group members among those responsible for the respective mapping procedure. However, does this affect the quality of their methodological contribution? Not at all. Yes, some bias and uncertainties are unfortunately inevitable, but the best one can to is to not introduce predictors that could propagate the potential bias across the whole modeling pipeline, which is what we did. We do not see any other clear bias removal procedure to be included. All this is to say that we did our best, and to address your concerns, in the revised manuscript we will comment on these elements in the discussions, as per your comment when you refer to “considerations and quality check”.
REV2: The paper is vague about the exact architecture of the Ensemble Neural Network (ENN). Information about layers, nodes, and activation functions is missing. There is a complete absence of discussion on hyperparameter tuning, which is critical for the performance of deep learning models. The paper doesn't provide details on the training procedures, such as batch sizes, learning rates, or optimization algorithms used, impacting the model's reproducibility. While claims are made about the model's satisfactory performance, there is no elaboration on how this was evaluated, such as specific metrics or comparative baselines. The paper doesn't discuss the computational resources required for training and implementing the model, which is vital information for potential users. The paper lacks explicit discussion about the assumptions behind the models used. This makes it difficult to assess the reliability and applicability of the results. The section about selection of mapping is unclear and does not satisfy the reasoning given to modify the mapping units; it seems it was deliberately done to fit their model needs to achieve better results.Response: This is the comment where we mostly disagree with you and we will provide clear evidence on why this is not the case. The model architecture is well defined in the section 5.1 with details of each layer and how they are connected. In addition to this, Figures 5 and 6 include details of each layers and their shape as well as connection parameters. The information of layers in Figure 6 refers to each Resnet block, which includes convolution 2d layers followed by batch normalization ReLU activation function and max pooling layers. This is all written in the text and we ask the reviewer as well as the handling editor to confirm directly our statement in the original version of the submitted manuscript.
As for the comment on the hyperparameters, while reviewing the text, we understood your comment and would like to acknowledge here its validity. To answer your comment, hyperparameters are tuned using the keras tuner. We have tuned the depth of the network, learning rate and the batch size. The width of the model is not tuned because we have derived our model from an well-established approach. The reason why we agree with you here is that we realized this information was not included in the current manuscript and we will certainly include a better description in the revised manuscript.
This is to say that we are trying to find a middle-ground between your comments and our starting point. However, even if we agree to some extent on your hyperparameter comment, it is also true that there is a dedicated section on section 5.2 Experimental setup (and again, we refer both the reviewer and the handling editor to the original version of the manuscript).There we explicitly mention learning rate, batch size, optimization algorithms. For reproducibility, we have even shared the model and code since the very beginning of the submission process. There, our choices are very transparent and accessible to anyone.
With respect the comment on model’s evaluation metrics, we struggle again to agree with you and same as above, we will provide evidence below.
In fact, section 5.3 Performance metrics offers a clear overview on the metrics we used. These are expressed in terms of AUC for the classification part of the ensemble model and as a Pearson correlation for the regression element. As for your comment on the requirement for a baseline, this is not possible. There is simply no space-time data-driven model in the literature equipped with a dual component for susceptibility and area density estimation. The only available model in the literature pertains to the susceptibility notion, for which a 0.9 AUC corresponds to outstanding prediction skills. Also, here we recall that this value corresponds to the prediction skill of the model, as it is estimated on a subset of the spatio-temporal data which was never “shown” to the neural network architecture. As for the regression component, there is no analogous experiment in the literature.
Regarding computational resources, it is a purely technical requirement and using the minibatches and dynamic data loading most of the machine learning related infrastructure can easily run the deep learning based model. Specifically, we have used 32 AMD Ryzen Threadripper PRO virtual CPU, in a machine with 160 GB RAM, and NVIDIA RTX A4000 GPU. However, this is a shared resource on a computational infrastructure of the University of Twente and we did not fully use the full capability of the machine. Most of the training was done with approximately a 10-20% load.
As for your comment about the mapping unit, we do not understand what you refer to. We never modified the mapping unit at any point in the manuscript. Our mapping unit of choice is the same as the resolution of the data provided by Kincey et al. (2021), something we chose for reason of consistency. If you are referring to the 4km x 4km scheme illustrated in the manuscript, this is the image patching technique required to create small patches of the dataset, something extremely common in any convolutional neural network models. The reason for which this is commonly done has to do with the number of samples which would otherwise just be 1 if we input entirety of data. To be fair, as we went through the manuscript, we realized this could have been explained better. During the revision process, this is something we will certainly address and clarify to the NHESS readership.
REV2: The paper details a neural network model with 23,556,931 trainable parameters but does not discuss how overfitting is mitigated. This is a significant concern, especially if the dataset is insufficient to justify such complexity. There is a lack of information on how the hyperparameters for the Adam optimizer and the learning rate were selected. This absence of methodological detail hampers the paper's replicability. The paper glosses over crucial data preprocessing steps and how imbalanced data is handled. Given the nature of landslide data, this could be a major issue affecting the model's performance. There is no discussion on model validation techniques like cross-validation, raising questions about the model's generalizability. The choice of a 1km x 1km grid for spatial analysis is unjustified. Given that landslides are highly local and temporal phenomena, failing to account for these could result in a model with limited applicability. The paper is limited in the range of environmental factors considered, focusing only on earthquake and rainfall intensities. This narrow scope risks omitting crucial predictors of landslides. The approach of training two separate components and then combining them is unconventional and could introduce errors or biases, none of which are discussed. The text is quite complex and convoluted, making it difficult for readers to follow the methodology and the presented arguments.Response: Same as before, if this level of question is the point of discussion or criticism, then we have shared absolutely everything in a transparent manner in github. We just did not think of providing all technical nuances in the main text because the journal is still an applied one rather than belonging to the category of information science. To address your question we will explain below those details and stress beforehand our availability to introduce this information in the text during the revision.
The overfitting is mitigated by two major approaches, firstly by the use of batch normalization and dropout layers where the model itself is optimized to prevent overfitting and secondly, by the use of early stopping. The early stopping feature in the model training process checks the validation performance at each step of the model and if the model starts to overfit and validation loss starts to increase (thereby implying a decrease in validation accuracy) significantly the model would stop training automatically. These aspects have been mentioned in the text as the reviewer and the editor can check in the original version of the manuscript. However, we realized these are not been
explicitly mentioned to address overfitting issues. We thought this was something quite straightforward for machine learning users, and we apologize if we have created any confusion. We will amend the manuscript accordingly during the revision process.For the learning rate, we used to tune the learning rate from 1e-4 to 1e-1 range as an initial value and then decayed the values and selected the best among them (best in the sense that it converge fast and without fluctuations). Same as before, in the amended manuscript we will add further details on hyperparameter selection for more clearer understanding.
In case of data imbalance and data pre-processing, we have explicitly mentioned about the tackling of data imbalance in the section 5.2 with specific use of Focal Traversky loss and use of logarithmic training process for both components in the model. Furthermore, to cross validate the model’s output we have used metrics that are not/less affected by data imbalance (such as F1 score) and focuses on positive samples.
As we mentioned already in a pervious comment, the 1x1km grid is not a deliberate choice but it is a choice due to the availability of landslide inventory as an area density in 1x1 km grid from Kincey et al (2021), which we kept to build our model accordingly. This shape can be modified depending on the inventory quality and dataset.
The focus on earthquake and rainfall is because they are the crucial triggering factors, we deliberately did not include the anthropogenic factors because of the quality of inventory. Those predictors in our opinion are the most commonly used and significant conditioning factors and for generalization and application at other locations readers are encouraged to select the input data as per the availability and geomorphological as well as geological context.
Actually ensemble approach and combined training as well as separate training of the two components of a same output is conventional approach in computer sciences and many other fields but not in the landslide science because there has not been any model working in this direction. Using separate models and combining them in the later stage reduces the error because if both models separately agree on the location of landslide (given the size is conditional to occurrence), this should indicate that they both provide reasonably good outcome. This ensemble approach will be further clarified in the revised manuscript to include further details.
REV2: Overall, this methodological paper is not suitable to be published in its current form and low level of scientific quality in a high-impact journal such as Natural Hazards Earth System Sciences.Response: Thank you for your comment and feedback overall, we will leave it up to the editor to decide whether the manuscript is with enough methodological novelty and scientific advancement to publish on NHESS or not.
AC2: 'Reply on RC2', Ashok Dahal, 20 Sep 2023
Peer review completion