Articles | Volume 24, issue 2
Research article
14 Feb 2024
Research article |  | 14 Feb 2024

Investigation of historical severe storms and storm tides in the German Bight with century reanalysis data

Elke Magda Inge Meyer and Lidia Gaslikova

Data sets

Reconstruction of the 1906 Storm Tide in the German Bright using TRIM-NP, FES2004, and NOAA-CIRES- DOE Twentieth Century Reanalysis (20CR) version 2c and 3 E. Meyer

coastDat historical severe storm tides in the German Bight Elke M. I. Meyer

Video supplement

The storm tide in March 1906 E. Meyer et al.

Short summary
Storm tides for eight extreme historical storms in the German Bight are modelled using sets of slightly varying atmospheric conditions from the century reanalyses. Comparisons with the water level observations from the gauges Norderney, Cuxhaven and Husum show that single members of the reanalyses are suitable for the reconstruction of extreme storms. Storms with more northerly tracks show less variability within a set and have more potential for accurate reconstruction of extreme water levels.
Final-revised paper