Articles | Volume 24, issue 12
Research article
11 Dec 2024
Research article |  | 11 Dec 2024

Sedimentary record of historical seismicity in a small, southern Oregon lake

Ann E. Morey, Mark D. Shapley, Daniel G. Gavin, Alan R. Nelson, and Chris Goldfinger

Data sets

Bathymetric data for upper and lower Acorn Woman Lakes Ann E. Morey

XRD for provenance Ann E. Morey

Computed Tomography and XRF data for core SQB5 (Lower Acorn Woman Lake) Ann E. Morey

Model code and software

Oxcal model code for "A 2700-year record of Cascadia megathrust and crustal/slab earthquakes from Acorn Woman Lakes, Oregon'' Ann E. Morey

Short summary
Disturbance events from historical sediments from a small lake in Oregon were evaluated to determine if Cascadia megathrust earthquakes are uniquely identifiable. Geochemical provenance data identify two likely Cascadia earthquakes, one from 1700 CE and the other from 1873 CE. A crustal earthquake deposit and flood deposits were also uniquely identified, suggesting that small Cascadia lakes are good recorders of megathrust earthquakes and other disturbances.
Final-revised paper