Articles | Volume 24, issue 9
Research article
23 Sep 2024
Research article |  | 23 Sep 2024

Coupling WRF with HEC-HMS and WRF-Hydro for flood forecasting in typical mountainous catchments of northern China

Sheik Umar Jam-Jalloh, Jia Liu, Yicheng Wang, and Yuchen Liu


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Short summary
Our paper explores improving flood forecasting using advanced weather and hydrological models. By coupling the WRF model with WRF-Hydro and HEC-HMS, we achieved more accurate forecasts. WRF–WRF-Hydro excels for short, intense storms, while WRF–HEC-HMS is better for longer, evenly distributed storms. Our research shows how these models provide insights for adaptive atmospheric–hydrologic systems and aims to boost flood preparedness and response with more reliable, timely predictions.
Final-revised paper