Articles | Volume 24, issue 7
Research article
18 Jul 2024
Research article |  | 18 Jul 2024

Precipitation extremes in Ukraine from 1979 to 2019: climatology, large-scale flow conditions, and moisture sources

Ellina Agayar, Franziska Aemisegger, Moshe Armon, Alexander Scherrmann, and Heini Wernli

Data sets

ERA5 hourly data on pressure levels from 1940 to present H. Hersbach, et al.

Short summary
This study presents the results of a climatological investigation of extreme precipitation events (EPEs) in Ukraine for the period 1979–2019. During all seasons EPEs are associated with pronounced upper-level potential vorticity (PV) anomalies. In addition, we find distinct seasonal and regional differences in moisture sources. Several extreme precipitation cases demonstrate the importance of these processes, complemented by a detailed synoptic analysis.
Final-revised paper