Articles | Volume 24, issue 5
Research article
21 May 2024
Research article |  | 21 May 2024

AutoATES v2.0: Automated Avalanche Terrain Exposure Scale mapping

Håvard B. Toft, John Sykes, Andrew Schauer, Jordy Hendrikx, and Audun Hetland

Model code and software

AutoATES-v2.0 Håvard B. Toft et al.

Automated Avalanche Terrain Exposure Scale (ATES) mapping - Local validation and optimization in Western Canada John Sykes et al.

Short summary
Manual Avalanche Terrain Exposure Scale (ATES) mapping is time-consuming and inefficient for large-scale applications. The updated algorithm for automated ATES mapping overcomes previous limitations by including forest density data, improving the avalanche runout estimations in low-angle runout zones, accounting for overhead exposure and open-source software. Results show that the latest version has significantly improved its performance.
Final-revised paper