Articles | Volume 23, issue 2
Review article
 | Highlight paper
03 Feb 2023
Review article | Highlight paper |  | 03 Feb 2023

Review article: Potential of nature-based solutions to mitigate hydro-meteorological risks in sub-Saharan Africa

Kirk B. Enu, Aude Zingraff-Hamed, Mohammad A. Rahman, Lindsay C. Stringer, and Stephan Pauleit


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Latest update: 13 Dec 2024
Executive editor
The topic treated in this work is potentially interesting for our community, giving the threats presented for Sub-Saharan Africa; it is also a review, so it has the capability to attract a lot of attention from the public.
Short summary
In sub-Saharan Africa, there is reported uptake of at least one nature-based solution (NBS) in 71 % of urban areas in the region for mitigating hydro-meteorological risks. These NBSs are implemented where risks exist but not where they are most severe. With these NBSs providing multiple ecosystem services and four out of every five NBSs creating livelihood opportunities, NBSs can help address major development challenges in the region, such as water and food insecurity and unemployment.
Final-revised paper