Articles | Volume 23, issue 12
Research article
30 Nov 2023
Research article |  | 30 Nov 2023

Bayesian extreme value analysis of extreme sea levels along the German Baltic coast using historical information

Leigh Richard MacPherson, Arne Arns, Svenja Fischer, Fernando Javier Méndez, and Jürgen Jensen

Data sets

Tide-gauge data I. D. Haigh, M. Marcos, S. A. Talke, P. L. Woodworth, J. R. Hunter, B. S. Hague, A. Arns, E. Bradshaw, and P. Thompson

Tide gauge data PSMSL - Permanent Service for Mean Sea Level

Short summary
Efficient adaptation planning for coastal flooding caused by extreme sea levels requires accurate assessments of the underlying hazard. Tide-gauge data alone are often insufficient for providing the desired accuracy but may be supplemented with historical information. We estimate extreme sea levels along the German Baltic coast and show that relying solely on tide-gauge data leads to underestimations. Incorporating historical information leads to improved estimates with reduced uncertainties.
Final-revised paper