Articles | Volume 23, issue 5
Research article
 | Highlight paper
03 May 2023
Research article | Highlight paper |  | 03 May 2023

Evaluation of liquefaction triggering potential in Italy: a seismic-hazard-based approach

Simone Barani, Gabriele Ferretti, and Davide Scafidi


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Executive editor
This paper produces a map for all of Italy that classifies different regions in terms of liquefaction triggering potential according to their seismic hazard level. The map MILQ (Mappa del potenziale d’Innesco della LiQuefazione), and the associated data are freely accessible at: The results can be useful to guide land-use planners in deciding whether liquefaction is a hazard that needs to be considered within the planning processes or not. Furthermore, they can serve as a guide for recommending geological and geotechnical investigations aimed at evaluating liquefaction hazards or, conversely, rule out further studies with a consequent saving in efforts and money.
Short summary
In the present study, we analyze ground-motion hazard maps and hazard disaggregation in order to define areas in Italy where liquefaction triggering due to seismic activity can not be excluded. The final result is a screening map for all of Italy that classifies sites in terms of liquefaction triggering potential according to their seismic hazard level. The map and the associated data are freely accessible at the following web address:
Final-revised paper