Articles | Volume 23, issue 4
Research article
28 Apr 2023
Research article |  | 28 Apr 2023

Probabilistic projections and past trends of sea level rise in Finland

Havu Pellikka, Milla M. Johansson, Maaria Nordman, and Kimmo Ruosteenoja

Data sets

Probabilistic projections of mean sea level change in Finland by 2100 Havu Pellikka, Milla M. Johansson, Maaria Nordman, and Kimmo Ruosteenoja

Short summary
We explore the rate of past and future sea level rise at the Finnish coast, northeastern Baltic Sea, in 1901–2100. For this analysis, we use tide gauge observations, modelling results, and a probabilistic method to combine information from several sea level rise projections. We provide projections of local mean sea level by 2100 as probability distributions. The results can be used in adaptation planning in various sectors with different risk tolerance, e.g. land use planning or nuclear safety.
Final-revised paper