Articles | Volume 22, issue 3
Research article
10 Mar 2022
Research article |  | 10 Mar 2022

Correlation of wind waves and sea level variations on the coast of the seasonally ice-covered Gulf of Finland

Milla M. Johansson, Jan-Victor Björkqvist, Jani Särkkä, Ulpu Leijala, and Kimmo K. Kahma


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Short summary
We analysed the correlation of sea level and wind waves at a coastal location in the Gulf of Finland using tide gauge data, wave measurements, and wave simulations. The correlation was positive for southwesterly winds and negative for northeasterly winds. Probabilities of high total water levels (sea level + wave crest) are underestimated if sea level and waves are considered independent. Suitably chosen copula functions can account for the dependence.
Final-revised paper