Articles | Volume 22, issue 2
Research article
11 Feb 2022
Research article |  | 11 Feb 2022

A comparative flood damage and risk impact assessment of land use changes

Karen Gabriels, Patrick Willems, and Jos Van Orshoven

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AGIV: Bodembedekkingskaart (BBK), 5m resolutie, opname 2012, AGIV [data set], available at: (last access: 26 October 2020), 2016. 
AGIV: Grootschalig Referentiebestand (GRBgis), AGIV [data set], available at: (last access: 26 October 2020), 2020. 
AGIV and NGI: Wegenregister, 17/09/2020, AGIV [data set], available at: (last access: 26 October 2020), 2020. 
AGIV and VMM: Recent overstroomde gebieden, AGIV [data set], available at: (last access: 26 October 2020), 2017. 
AGIV, VMM, and Watlab: DHM-Vlaanderen, raster, 5 m, AGIV [data set], available at: (last access: 13 February 2020), 2006. 
Short summary
As land use influences hydrological processes (e.g., forests have a high water retention and infiltration capacity), it also impacts floods downstream in the river system. This paper demonstrates an approach quantifying the impact of land use changes on economic flood damages: damages in an initial situation are quantified and compared to damages of simulated floods associated with a land use change scenario. This approach can be used as an explorative tool in sustainable flood risk management.
Final-revised paper