Articles | Volume 22, issue 9
Invited perspectives
01 Sep 2022
Invited perspectives |  | 01 Sep 2022

Invited perspectives: Managed realignment as a solution to mitigate coastal flood risks – optimizing success through knowledge co-production

Mark Schuerch, Hannah L. Mossman, Harriet E. Moore, Elizabeth Christie, and Joshua Kiesel
Publisher's note: Elizabeth Christie was added as co-author to this paper on 6 October 2022. They originally contributed to the manuscript but were missing in the author list upon publication.


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Short summary
Coastal nature-based solutions to adapt to sea-level rise, such as managed realignments (MRs), are becoming increasingly popular amongst scientists and coastal managers. However, local communities often oppose these projects, partly because scientific evidence for their efficiency is limited. Here, we propose a framework to work with stakeholders and communities to define success variables of MR projects and co-produce novel knowledge on the projects’ efficiency to mitigate coastal flood risks.
Final-revised paper