Articles | Volume 22, issue 7
Research article
19 Jul 2022
Research article |  | 19 Jul 2022

Developing a framework for the assessment of current and future flood risk in Venice, Italy

Julius Schlumberger, Christian Ferrarin, Sebastiaan N. Jonkman, Manuel Andres Diaz Loaiza, Alessandro Antonini, and Sandra Fatorić

Data sets

used data, intermediate resuls, model runs & scripts Julius Schlumberger, C. Ferrarin, S. Jonkman, S. N. Diaz Loaiza, A. Antonini, and S. Fatoric!AujDMT3F11JwgpEoTj2zfvrJqDcOdA?e=dY2c6O

Short summary
Flooding has serious impacts on the old town of Venice. This paper presents a framework combining a flood model with a flood-impact model to support improving protection against future floods in Venice despite the recently built MOSE barrier. Applying the framework to seven plausible flood scenarios, it was found that individual protection has a significant damage-mediating effect if the MOSE barrier does not operate as anticipated. Contingency planning thus remains important in Venice.
Final-revised paper