Articles | Volume 21, issue 2
Research article
15 Feb 2021
Research article |  | 15 Feb 2021

Leveraging time series analysis of radar coherence and normalized difference vegetation index ratios to characterize pre-failure activity of the Mud Creek landslide, California

Mylène Jacquemart and Kristy Tiampo

Data sets

mjacqu/FlatCreekProject: Release linked to GSA Geology publication (Version v1.0.0) M. Jacquemart

Short summary
We used interferometric radar coherence – a data quality indicator typically used to assess the reliability of radar interferometry data – to document the destabilization of the Mud Creek landslide in California, 5 months prior to its catastrophic failure. We calculated a time series of coherence on the slide relative to the surrounding hillslope and suggest that this easy-to-compute metric might be useful for assessing the stability of a hillslope.
Final-revised paper