Articles | Volume 21, issue 2
Research article
05 Feb 2021
Research article |  | 05 Feb 2021

A regional spatiotemporal analysis of large magnitude snow avalanches using tree rings

Erich Peitzsch, Jordy Hendrikx, Daniel Stahle, Gregory Pederson, Karl Birkeland, and Daniel Fagre

Data sets

Tree ring dataset for a regional avalanche chronology in northwest Montana, 1636-2017 E. H. Peitzsch, D. K. Stahle, D. B. Fagre, A. M. Clark, G. T. Pederson, J. Hendrikx, and K. W. Birkeland

Short summary
We sampled 647 trees from 12 avalanche paths to investigate large snow avalanches over the past 400 years in the northern Rocky Mountains, USA. Sizable avalanches occur approximately every 3 years across the region. Our results emphasize the importance of sample size, scale, and spatial extent when reconstructing avalanche occurrence across a region. This work can be used for infrastructure planning and avalanche forecasting operations.
Final-revised paper