the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.
the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.
EUNADICS-AV early warning system dedicated to supporting aviation in the case of a crisis from natural airborne hazards and radionuclide clouds
Nicolas Theys
Lieven Clarisse
Jeroen van Gent
Daniel R. Hurtmans
Sophie Vandenbussche
Nikolaos Papagiannopoulos
Lucia Mona
Timo Virtanen
Andreas Uppstu
Mikhail Sofiev
Luca Bugliaro
Margarita Vázquez-Navarro
Pascal Hedelt
Michelle Maree Parks
Sara Barsotti
Mauro Coltelli
William Moreland
Simona Scollo
Giuseppe Salerno
Delia Arnold-Arias
Marcus Hirtl
Tuomas Peltonen
Juhani Lahtinen
Klaus Sievers
Florian Lipok
Rolf Rüfenacht
Alexander Haefele
Maxime Hervo
Saskia Wagenaar
Wim Som de Cerff
Jos de Laat
Arnoud Apituley
Piet Stammes
Quentin Laffineur
Andy Delcloo
Robertson Lennart
Carl-Herbert Rokitansky
Arturo Vargas
Markus Kerschbaum
Christian Resch
Raimund Zopp
Matthieu Plu
Vincent-Henri Peuch
Michel Van Roozendael
Gerhard Wotawa
- Final revised paper (published on 10 Nov 2021)
- Supplement to the final revised paper
- Preprint (discussion started on 04 May 2021)
- Supplement to the preprint
Interactive discussion
Status: closed
CC1: 'Comment on nhess-2021-105', Mariana Adam, 05 May 2021
I have several observations and it would be very nice if there will be some clarifications.
Regarding Table 5, it will be very useful to have the numerical values of the thresholds given. Why don't you use particles extinction and backscatter coefficients from lidars (as mentioned in Table 3)? Moreover, the example from Fig. 13 uses particle backscatter coefficient. What do you mean by 'Range of att. backscatter' in Table 5? To me, what is of interest is the pollution layer geometry (layer altitude and depth).
Please mention the timeliness for EWS, i.e., when the warning will be issued after the event (hours).
Does the example given in Fig. 14 represent a hazard? I see it just as an illustration of the Eprofile capability. Please mention if you have any criteria for attenuated backscatter from which you can set a warning.
I am a bit confused about Fig. 13. You mention that the alert uses mass concentration based on backscatter coefficients thresholds. According to Papagiannopoulos et al. (2020), the thresholds are for particle backscatter coefficients, based on given mass concentrations (eq. 9). Please correct and cite the reference. Please comment on uncertainty.
Please comment on plumes heights. So far, you give examples for ash top height and SO2 plume height estimated from satellites (Figs. 3 and 5). How this information corroborates with the total SO2 concentration (threshold of mass loading of 5 kt, page 38). On the other hand, why no lidar or ALC system is used to determine the plumes geometry?
Why the lidars are not used for smoke identification? There are many papers on aerosol type, mostly based on lidar ratio and extinction Angstrom exponent. Again, why is just volume depolarization ratio used? Moreover, why not particle linear depolarization ratio?Citation: - AC1: 'Reply on CC1', Hugues Brenot, 12 Sep 2021
RC1: 'Comment on nhess-2021-105', Anonymous Referee #1, 21 Jul 2021
General comments
This study describes European Natural Airborne Disaster Information and Coordination System for Aviation (EUNADICS-AV) Early Warning System (EWS). The EUNADICS EWS greatly extends the existing Support to Aviation Control System (SACS) automatic alert system for airborne volcanic sulfur dioxide SO2 and ash to include other airborne hazards (dust, smoke and radionuclide clouds) with creation of multiple new alert products (email and web pages with NRT maps, data files) and convenient formats (NetCDF). These new data are provided by EUNADICS partners and external data sources. The EUNADICS system further combines satellite data with the European ground-based networks (lidar and passive) and regional measurements from volcanic observatories in Iceland and Sicily.
EUNADICS serves European users, primarily Volcanic Ash Advisory Centers (VAACs) in London and Toulouse that have operational responsibility for volcanic ash advisories and forecasts. New message formats (NetCDF alert data products) will facilitate using the alerts to initialize plume dispersion models.
There is room for English and punctuation improvements, which would make paper easier to read. Many sentences need re-wording and/or clarification. Specific suggestions are mentioned below.
I found the paper informative and suitable for publication after language and syntax improvements.
Specific comments
The aviation hazards satellite data sources are comprehensive, except for direct readout data for Iceland and Europe from Satellite Measurements from Polar Orbit (SAMPO) service ( Using SAMPO data would help reducing alert latency time and geographical coverage of the EUNADICS system.
Abbreviations should be explained when first used.
Consider removing abbreviation from the title.
Technical corrections
Abstract is not clear to a general reader, not familiar with the EUNAUDICS project. I suggest explanation of the abbreviation “EUNADICS” in the abstract.
45 ATM – explain abbreviation
47 have shown significant
48 satellite[s]
51 e.g.[,]
55 service[s]
57 to proceed – consider changing this verb
58 … highlighting the capability of operating early warnings … - consider re-wording
75 implication in meteorological processing… – clarify
80 particles
81 satellite [data]
84 It makes it possible as it can to provide information
149 The results - objectives?
153 Copernicus Atmosphere [Monitoring] Service (CAMS)
165-166 … specialization [in] atmospheric transport modelling
Figure 1: SAMPO service
186 boards
195 i.e.,
207 were
217 possibility -> discussion with ?
218 Tables 1 and 2 -> 2 and 3?
227 overpass
243 particulate matter (PM)
243 volcanic ash total column [number or mass density]
245 averaging kernel250 We reviewed …
252 products
253 section 2.2?
276, 277 .. Observatory which operates …
281 e.g.,
296 e.g.,
308 at NOAA
312 MWOs – explain abbreviation
316 aim at -> with the goal of supporting …
317 satellites
345 use ground observations
404 when
405 up to the lower stratosphere – why not in the middle and upper stratosphere?
405 Eight? satellites sensors …
407 Yang et al., [2007] - OMI product has been replaced with conceptually new OMI SO2 product: Li et al., New-generation NASA Aura Ozone Monitoring Instrument (OMI) volcanic SO2 dataset: Algorithm description, initial results, and continuation with the Suomi-NPP Ozone Mapping and Profiler Suite (OMPS), Atmos. Meas. Tech., 10, 445-458, doi:10.5194/amt-10-445-2017, 2017.
415 between 3 and 21 km, - why is the upper limit 21km?
421 e.g.,
423 expressed in Kelvin degree (K)
432 missing reference: Virtanen et al., (2014)
438 to define
443 illustrates
447 a fast? ash detection
448 i.e.,
469 presented
470 is based
487 is obtained ?
503 triggered
Figure 13, left map: should the white box show station Finokalia (Crete), shown on the right?
549 ash advections have not been observed
555 networks
560, 561,566: e.g.,
608 ZAMG and STUK – explain abbreviations
609 ZAMG
610 remove “have been designed”
613 delete “proceeding”. … is implemented?
643 new alert products
644 creates
667-670 repeat of 645-650
683 quantity product – just use product
715 nuclear central - plant?
749 remove “thanks to”
751 explain TRL
753 i.e.,
757 allows consultation -> visualization?
763 burst -> cloud
801 remove “same”
814 consider
839 is operated -> is implemented ?
855 NCAP fiel -> file?
857 details
P36 868 possible
870 link not found
873 MWOs – explain
890-891 was designed with the goal of …
891 passed
895 obtained -> has been demonstrated?
899 satellites
906 has developed
907 notifications
908 include
913 better spatial resolution – better than what?
916 Only one aspect
919 interest -> usefulness?
920 of using EUNADICS system in
921 activity about -> utility for …
925,930 in the framework of …
928 proceeding -> implementing
958 the alert
971 details
972 provided
991 e.g.,
Citation: - AC2: 'Reply on RC1', Hugues Brenot, 12 Sep 2021
RC2: 'Comment on nhess-2021-105', Tatjana Bolic, 02 Aug 2021
The paper describes the results of the EUNADICS AV project, which developed different natural hazards observation and notification products, with the goal to support aviation in the cases of airborne natural hazards. My expertise is in aviation, so I cannot judge the background scientific quality, even though it seems impressive to me - the number of different tools, observations and notifications.
I do have several comments, that would require minor text revisions:
- In the abstract the authors say "All the ATM stakeholders (e.g. pilots, airlines and passengers) can access and benefit of these alert products through this free channel." I find this a bit strong as a statement. Any memeber of public can access these products, that is true, but it is unclear how they can benefit, as there is no explanation of the meaning of any of the products - one would need to be a scientist to understand what they are looking at. This is true even for graphical products where different colors are set for different concentrations (or similar), but there is no explanation what it means for layman - even for aviation stakeholder - what is red zone? Can I fly through it or not? If not, how far should I keep? All this to say that these products have greaat value for aviation, but they are still missing an important part which is the "translation" of its meaning for aviation stakeholders that are not meterologists or atmoshperic scientist (if this is a good term at all).
- In section 5 the authors say "EUNADICS is a SESAR (Single European Sky ATM Research; enabling project with regard to the definitions provided in the SESAR 2020 Programme Execution Framework, delivering SESAR Technological Solutions." I would strongy suggest to rephrase this sentence, as the project itslef is not even connected to SESAR, and the products developed are not "enabling" in the sense that is used in SESAR (enabling in SESAR means a technology that is a necessary building block of an ATM infrastructure - in a sense that without it, there is no new ATM infrastructure. I would suggest to rephrase into "supporting" or similar wording.
- Next, the authors say:"EUNADICS pass maturity phase V2 with regard to the 7-phase concept as introduced by the European Operational Concept Validation Methodology (E-OCVM, 2010)..." E-OCVM presents guidance for V1-V3 of the 8 phases of ATM products life-cycle. However, I don't think that EUNADICS can claim V2 maturity level according to EOCVM, as human factors, safety, business, environmental and standards cases were not performed for any of the products. The point of the cases is to assess the impact of the soluton on a wide set of matters in the ATM. These cases are requirements that need to be passed, in order for a solution/product to mature from V1 to V2 or from V2 to V3. The EUNADICS project could easily claim TRLs 2,3 or even 4, of the H2020 technology levels, but not V2 of EOCVM. mainly because the EOCVM requires the assessment of how the products can be implemented in ATM and what would the impact be, and that was not done (the various cases) in the project, nor was that the point of the project).
- In line 925, what do you mean by "environment). EUNADICS EWS passes with success the performance verification."?
- Finally, a suggestion to authors regarding the TRL levels of their products, in aviation setting. A product can be deemed operational in aviation if intended end-users can access the information, understand it and make decisions based on the understood information. If the presented information is not understandable by the end-user (e.g. pilot, air traffic controller), the product will not be used, even if it is completely accurate, and reliable. That is the reason for having various cases in the EOCVM methodology - to make new technology not only work, but to be understood. Some of the next steps, in my opinion should be identification of the end-users, and tailoring of the product for their use. If the end-users are only national meteorological providers, VAACs and similar, then the TRL of EUNADICS products is very high, and probably close to operational. But, if the products should be shared with other, non-scientific types of end-users, there is still a lot of work to reach high TRL levels, and that work is mainly on making the information understandable to these users.
- Please review the paper for English proofing. It is overall of good quality, but there are typos and some non-English phrases that make reading slightly harder.
Citation: - AC3: 'Reply on RC2', Hugues Brenot, 12 Sep 2021
AC4: 'Comment on nhess-2021-105', Hugues Brenot, 12 Sep 2021
Good afternoon dear Editor,
After the answer to RC1, RC2, and CC1 that really to improve the masnuscript, I realise I should add 2 new authors from INGV in this paper (Giuseppe Salerno, Simona Scollo). These new authors contribute to this manuscript and specially help to anwer to CC1.
With respect to RC1, RC2, and CC1, the manuscript has been modifed (improvements) and the names and affiliations of the 2 new co-authors added. I hope this is OK for you.
Best regards,
Hugues Brenot
Peer review completion