Articles | Volume 21, issue 9
Research article
17 Sep 2021
Research article |  | 17 Sep 2021

Investigating 3D and 4D variational rapid-update-cycling assimilation of weather radar reflectivity for a heavy rain event in central Italy

Vincenzo Mazzarella, Rossella Ferretti, Errico Picciotti, and Frank Silvio Marzano


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Short summary
Forecasting precipitation over the Mediterranean basin is still a challenge. In this context, data assimilation techniques play a key role in improving the initial conditions and consequently the timing and position of the precipitation forecast. For the first time, the ability of a cycling 4D-Var to reproduce a heavy rain event in central Italy, as well as to provide a comparison with the largely used cycling 3D-Var, is evaluated in this study.
Final-revised paper