Articles | Volume 21, issue 5
Research article
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05 May 2021
Research article | Highlight paper |  | 05 May 2021

Glacier detachments and rock-ice avalanches in the Petra Pervogo range, Tajikistan (1973–2019)

Silvan Leinss, Enrico Bernardini, Mylène Jacquemart, and Mikhail Dokukin


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Short summary
A cluster of 13 large mass flow events including five detachments of entire valley glaciers was observed in the Petra Pervogo range, Tajikistan, in 1973–2019. The local clustering provides additional understanding of the influence of temperature, seismic activity, and geology. Most events occurred in summer of years with mean annual air temperatures higher than the past 46-year trend. The glaciers rest on weak bedrock and are rather short, making them sensitive to friction loss due to meltwater.
Final-revised paper