Research article
13 Aug 2020
Research article |

13 Aug 2020
Hydrogeomorphological analysis and modelling for a comprehensive understanding of flash-flood damage processes: the 9 October 2018 event in northeastern Mallorca
Joan Estrany, Maurici Ruiz-Pérez, Raphael Mutzner, Josep Fortesa, Beatriz Nácher-Rodríguez, Miquel Tomàs-Burguera, Julián García-Comendador, Xavier Peña, Adolfo Calvo-Cases, and Francisco J. Vallés-Morán
Data sets
Discharge data series of Begura de Salma River (Mallorca, Spain): January 2015--October 2018
J. Estrany, M. Ruiz-Pérez, R. Mutzner, J. Fortesa, B. Nácher-Rodríguez, M. Tomàs-Burguera, J. García-Comendador, X. Peña, A. Calvo-Cases, and F. J. Vallés-Morán
Monthly precipitation and runoff series of Begura de Salma River (Mallorca, Spain): January 2015--October 2018
J. Estrany, M. Ruiz-Pérez, R. Mutzner, J. Fortesa, B. Nácher-Rodríguez, M. Tomàs-Burguera, J. García-Comendador, X. Peña, A. Calvo-Cases, and F. J. Vallés-Morán