Articles | Volume 20, issue 5
Research article
20 May 2020
Research article |  | 20 May 2020

Geo-climatic hazards in the eastern subtropical Andes: distribution, climate drivers and trends

Iván Vergara, Stella M. Moreiras, Diego Araneo, and René Garreaud

Data sets

Station data (rainfall, temperatures) for Chile were downloaded from the CR(2) website F. Muñoz and R. Garreaud

Station data (rainfall, temperatures) for Argentina were downloaded from the Integrated Hydrological Database Secretary of Infrastructure and Water Policy

Short summary
Geo-climatic hazards usually cause large losses of human life and economic losses. As they are very susceptible to weather, in many regions of the world these hazards are changing in frequency and magnitude due to current climate change. The purpose of this paper is to understand if, in the subtropical Andes of Argentina, these phenomena are increasing or decreasing and subsequently to understand the causes of these possible changes.
Final-revised paper