Articles | Volume 19, issue 4
Research article
17 Apr 2019
Research article |  | 17 Apr 2019

Assimilation of wind data from airborne Doppler cloud-profiling radar in a kilometre-scale NWP system

Mary Borderies, Olivier Caumont, Julien Delanoë, Véronique Ducrocq, and Nadia Fourrié


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Short summary
The study reports on the impact of the assimilation of wind data from airborne Doppler cloud-profiling radar in a kilometre-scale NWP model on predicting heavy precipitation events in the Mediterranean area. The positive impact of the assimilation of such data is particularly evidenced for a heavy precipitation event and results are slightly encouraging over a 45-day period. In addition, the impact of the length of the assimilation window in a 3h-3DVar assimilation system is investigated.
Final-revised paper