Articles | Volume 19, issue 12
Research article
05 Dec 2019
Research article |  | 05 Dec 2019

Framework to prioritize watersheds for diffuse pollution management in the Republic of Korea: application of multi-criteria analysis using the Delphi method

Gyumin Lee, Kyung Soo Jun, and Minji Kang

Data sets

Decision of prioritization of catchments and determination of control target for non-point source pollution management (II) B. K. Park, K. H. Ahn, E. J. Kim, M. J. Kang, J. D. Park, J. H. Park, J. H. Jeong, Y. S. Kim, D. H. Rhew, and G. Lee

Short summary
This study proposes a system for the scientific selection of evaluation indices and priority areas for non-point source control. We developed a framework to prioritize catchments in terms of the risk of non-point source pollution considering the characteristics of polluted runoff from a non-point source using a multi-criteria decision-making method.
Final-revised paper