Articles | Volume 19, issue 12
Research article
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03 Dec 2019
Research article | Highlight paper |  | 03 Dec 2019

First reported case of thunderstorm asthma in Israel

Yoav Yair, Yifat Yair, Baruch Rubin, Ronit Confino-Cohen, Yosef Rosman, Eduardo Shachar, and Menachem Rottem


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Short summary
During severe thunderstorms, cold outflows can eject pollen and dust particles from the surface, releasing allergens and causing thunderstorm asthma epidemics in sensitive populations. We report the first case in Israel that occurred on 25 October 2015. The emergency room presentation records from three hospitals in central Israel showed a clear increase in patients with respiratory complaints immediately after the passage of a massive super-cell thunderstorm in the area.
Final-revised paper