Articles | Volume 19, issue 10
Research article
08 Oct 2019
Research article |  | 08 Oct 2019

Anomalies of dwellers' collective geotagged behaviors in response to rainstorms: a case study of eight cities in China using smartphone location data

Jiawei Yi, Yunyan Du, Fuyuan Liang, Tao Pei, Ting Ma, and Chenghu Zhou

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Short summary
This paper utilized the advantages of smartphone location data to study human responses to rainstorm disasters. Intense rainstorms disrupt city residents' behaviors as reflected in anomalies of location-based service requests. Anomaly identification from fine-scale smartphone location data facilitates the monitoring of social responses to rainstorms. Residents' collective geotagged behaviors in different cities show different sensitivities to rainstorms.
Final-revised paper