Articles | Volume 18, issue 12
Research article
30 Nov 2018
Research article |  | 30 Nov 2018

Towards a comprehensive view of dust events from multiple satellite and ground measurements: exemplified by the May 2017 East Asian dust storm

Lu She, Yong Xue, Jie Guang, Yahui Che, Cheng Fan, Ying Li, and Yanqing Xie


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Short summary
Multi-satellite/sensor observations and ground-based measurements combined with the HYSPLIT model were used to analyse the dynamical processes of the origin and transport of a strong dust storm. The optical and microphysical properties of the dust particles were analysed using AERONET measurements. The combined observations revealed comprehensive information about the dynamic transport of dust and the dust-affected regions, and the effect of dust storms on the aerosol properties.
Final-revised paper