Articles | Volume 18, issue 11
Research article
19 Nov 2018
Research article |  | 19 Nov 2018

Effects of the impact angle on the coefficient of restitution in rockfall analysis based on a medium-scale laboratory test

Yanhai Wang, Wei Jiang, Shengguo Cheng, Pengcheng Song, and Cong Mao


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Short summary
General laws regarding the effect of the impact angle on the coefficients of restitution occur regardless of the test scales and conditions. Increasing the impact angle results in a reduction of Rn, Rv and RE and causes an increase in Rt. The rotation plays an important role in the effect of the impact angle. A higher percentage of kinetic energy converted to rotational energy always induces a higher Rn and a lower Rt. The percentage can be associated with the impact angle and the rock sizes.
Final-revised paper