Articles | Volume 18, issue 9
Research article
21 Sep 2018
Research article |  | 21 Sep 2018

Extreme water levels, waves and coastal impacts during a severe tropical cyclone in northeastern Australia: a case study for cross-sector data sharing

Thomas R. Mortlock, Daryl Metters, Joshua Soderholm, John Maher, Serena B. Lee, Geoffrey Boughton, Nigel Stewart, Elisa Zavadil, and Ian D. Goodwin


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Short summary
Tropical cyclone (TC) Debbie crossed the northeastern coast of Australia on 27 March 2017. A multi-sector consortium collected data throughout the event to produce a holistic picture of hazards and impacts at the coast. While water levels and waves were unprecedented for this area since monitoring began, TC Debbie can be regarded as a near miss in terms of widespread coastal flooding. This work provides a case study of cross-sector data sharing in a natural hazard context in Australia.
Final-revised paper